Davidoff Announces Camacho Broadleaf - Cigar News

Davidoff Announces Camacho Broadleaf – Cigar News

Cigars has announced their first new regular production cigar in some time: . It is described as a bigger and bolder smoke.

The blend features Honduran wrapper and is described as a medium bodied smoke.

I am thrilled with the amazing work our Master Blenders in Honduras have done. They created a cigar line which is not only excellent in taste, but also bold and fearless in attitude – exactly what our aficionados are searching for. The darker wrapper in particular adds a lot of excitement to the cigar experience, as it endows every format with an oily, almost silky appearance and a creamy note to the taste profile.

Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger

In addition to the dark and oily wrapper, the blend features a diverse blend of tobaccos from Honduras and the .

will be available in 20-count boxes of Robusto, and Gordo.