Ring gauge (RG) can be a polarizing topic of conversation in many cigar shops. People who enjoy premium cigars have very specific opinions about the size of their cigar. Whatever you may think about the overly-large RG cigars, they are extremely popular and they drive sales. Give the public what they want, is probably a good business model. In keeping with this, Crowned Heads is releasing the Luminosa Gigantes LE 2018.
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AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCrowned HeadsE.P. CarrilloEricFeaturedIPCPRJason H.Jon HuberMickey T.NaturalNicaraguaSteve
·"Have you ever lit up a cigar with no preconceived notions, and after the fist puff you say to yourself, or out loud "Damn, this is nice?" well I did and that same thought stayed with me the entire smoke. Just a great amount of cream/honey and sweetness. This would be an excellent first cigar of the day with or without coffee. My only complaint was it was so short, but maybe that was the maker's intention, to keep you coming back for more. I personally would like to keep these in my humi, for when I need that perfect smoking experience. " -Mickey T. (irratebass)
"I really enjoyed this cigar. Started off mild with some nice light notes and ramped up a bit as it progressed. This is a cigar I would not pass up when I want something that isn't too over powering" -Zane G. (Zane)
Crowned Heads showcased two releases this year: Four Kicks Maduro and Luminosa. The latter was available last year as part of a soft launch with a full launch this year including a new vitola the petite corona.