United Cigar Group has announced the 2024 shipment of Atabey Black Ritos, crafted by the renowned Nelson Alfonso of Selected Tobacco. This release holds the distinction of being the world’s first cigar NFT, initially launched in 2021, and now making its way to United Cigar Branded lounges and exclusive NFT Box holders. The 2019 vintage of Atabey Black Ritos, now aged for five years in Selected Tobacco‘s carefully curated aging rooms, promises a smoking experience enriched with maturity and depth.
This year’s release continues to embody the innovative spirit that Atabey Black Ritos introduced to the premium cigar industry. By integrating the concept of NFTs into the cigar world, United Cigars not only pioneered a new digital frontier but also adhered to a charitable mission, allowing enthusiasts to purchase NFT boxes at a fixed price of $1,200 without engaging in an auction. This approach expanded access to the limited production, benefiting an additional five retailers selected to share in this exclusive offering.
The Atabey Black Ritos itself is a testament to luxury and craftsmanship, presenting a medium-bodied profile wrapped in a sumptuous dark Ecuadorian leaf. Inside, a meticulously chosen blend of Dominican and Peruvian fillers awaits, promising complexity and balance. The cigar measures 6 1/8 x 55, available in one vitola, and is encased in sophisticated black lacquered boxes of 25, further accentuating its allure.
A unique aging process sets Atabey Black Ritos apart, utilizing rooms lined with five different types of cedar and French Oak to impart a distinct depth and complexity to the cigar. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that each cigar delivers an unparalleled smoking experience, celebrated with an MSRP of $50 per cigar.
The exclusive nature of Atabey Black Ritos is underscored by its limited availability, confined to only ten retailers across the United States. These selected outlets, including Ambassador Fine Cigars in Phoenix, AZ, Industrial Cigar Co. in Frisco, TX, and Eight others, represent the pinnacle of commitment to excellence in the cigar community. They were chosen for their dedication to embracing both the vision of United Cigars and Selected Tobacco and their willingness to explore the unknown realms of cigar innovation.