Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition

Cigar Info

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

Cigars announced the official release of its long-awaited latest edition of a very popular cigar to join the S.T.K. lines manufactured in Miami at G.R. Tabacaleras Co. in April last year.

The new Mas Paz Edition of the Zulu Zulu is being made in our own factory in Little Havana, operated by . George is collaborating with the artist, “Mas Paz”, to design the new packaging for this project, with a percentage of the sales of this new project going towards a non-profit organization that will fund renovations for La Casa de la Madre y el Niño, an orphanage in Bogotá, Colombia.

Federico Frum, the Colombian-born street artist that goes by the name, “Mas Paz”, was himself adopted from La Casa de la Madre y el Niño when he was only a year old. He grew up in Arlington, Virginia and received his formal training in art at George Mason University. After designing for several large companies in New York City, he decided to embark on a six-month journey throughout South America that forever changed his path. Frum now travels the world using his art to inspire and transform neighborhoods in the U.S. and developing world. He is a strong advocate for youth, working with kids in local schools and community centers to teach art and raise funds to promote art education. Frum's highly recognizable “Mas Paz” murals can be found worldwide, always themed with a positive universal message. You can find out more about Mas Paz at

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition

Vital Stats:

Length: 5.6″
Ring Gauge: 46
Country of Origin: United States
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Factory: G.R. Tabacaleras Co.
Blender: George A. Rico
Number of reviewers: 4 —– (Youngryan216) (ThaGreatWazoo) () (NavyPiper)
Price: $9.00
Age: 6 Months
Release Date: April 2015
Contributed by: Gran Habano Cigar

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition

Initial Impressions

Appearance: 91

“A medium brown, veiny and lumpy wrapper with nearly invisible seams. I am a sucker for a pigtail cap, and this one cut easily and was adhered well.” - (Youngryan216)

Aroma: 90

“The aroma pre-light was fantastic. Nice hints of leather and earth complimentated a strong fruit forward profile. The fruit was nearest a citrus flavor and was very pleasant to the senses.” - (ThaGreatWazoo)

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition

First Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The first couple draws were full on citrus blasts. Very nice. It was as if I was eating an orange. Then, the profile molded into soft leather and a cream finish. Really velvety on the finish. Outstanding beginning.” - (ThaGreatWazoo)

“After the first couple of puffs which were rather strange tasting, things then settled down to flavors of spices & tobacco. At about the 2/3 mark some wood flavor appeared. There are tons, and I mean & tons of smoke. Burn is a little crooked but not too bad and not worth touching up. Ash lasted about an inch before dropping. I had bloomed out like a flower. Draw is very good.” - (NavyPiper)

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition

Second Third

Flavor: 91
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The second third continues with subtle leather. The citrus and fruit have vanished into this third. Now, a nice pepper comes into the picture, but is not hot or spicy. Very clean finish. This cigar is burning fantastic and is extremely enjoyable.” - (ThaGreatWazoo)

“Gains more body during the second third, adding some leather notes while also softening out and becoming rounder, more creamy seemingly.” - ()

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano
Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition

Final Third

Flavor: 91
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The last third introduces notes of dry wood in addition to the earlier leather. Then, toward the end of this final third, the red pepper comes back — with a vengeance! Also, there is a small addition of fresh, green leaf bitterness. It then gets harsh at the nub.” - ()

“The final third I'd say is my favorite. Shortly after entering it got a nice dose of pepper that blended really well with the other flavors. This was really good! In fact, I ended smoking it to the nub, having to break out my nubbing tool to do so. I was sorry to see it finally end.” - (NavyPiper)

Overall Impressions

Draw: 97

“Really good, open draw. Some smokers may say it was a bit loose, but I did not mind the lack of resistance.” - (Youngryan216)

Burn: 94

“Excellent feature of this cigar was the razor sharp burn and the nice tight ash that held on for nearly half of the cigar. Well done here.” - (ThaGreatWazoo)

Construction: 91

“I could definitely tell as the cigar went on that it was well made and of a higher caliber. From the build and vitola to the clean wrapper and burn, this was all around a great stick.” - (ThaGreatWazoo)

Overall Strength: Medium
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium
Overall Experience: 92

“I did not enjoy this. The flavors were muted and the burn was a mess. Either I got a bad stick, or this blend needs some work still.” – (Youngryan216)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this cigar. From the citrus blast in the beginning to the changes throughout, this cigar had me guessing complexities and really drew me in. Nothing plain about this stick. The strength was on the mild to medium side and the vitola was a smaller ring gauge. Just a well made, well thought out cigar. Grab these for yourself. You will not be disappointed.” – (ThaGreatWazoo)

“An outstanding medium-full stogie with varying profiles as it burned through its distinctive thirds, and with a slow and even burn.” – ()

“It was a nice stogie. Enjoyed smoking it. First couple of puffs had me a little concerned, but after that it was all good. This is one I'd smoke again. Looking forward to seeing what it is!” – (NavyPiper)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 70


Youngryan216) 95 88 85 80 75 97 75 85 78
ThaGreatWazoo) 92 92 95 95 92 95 97 95 97
) 90 92 90 90 90 97 97 97 90
NavyPiper) 88 88 87 88 90 90 88 88 88

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Blind Cigar Review: George Rico | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition Habano

Blind Cigar Review: | S.T.K. Miami Zulu Zulu Mas Paz Edition
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience
Total Score - Excellent