Davidoff and Camacho Cigars have announced Camacho Factory Unleashed. As a celebration of the Camacho factory, the blend is full of Corojo tobacco.
The blend for Camacho Factory Unleashed uses a Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper, Honduran binder, and Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican filler. It features a shaggy foot to allow the binder and filler to impart their flavor on the cigar before the wrapper. Factory Unleashed comes in one size, a 6 x 50 toro.
Camacho Factory Unleashed is packaged in 100-count rustic wooden crates. Only 1,000 of these crates were made. In addition, 2,500 paper wrapped bundles of 10 cigars were made for eCommerce platforms. Each cigar carries an MSRP of $7.80
Introducing a blend that represents the full potential and innovation of our Camacho factory is a privilege and great responsibility. It goes without saying that Corojo has to be the core component of the blend, bearer of the badge of boldness, and the shaggy foot symbolizes the character of our factory to always push boundaries without compromises. The aromas and flavor of this new annual release will surely capture and indulge the palates of the greatest fans of the Camacho legacy.
Lana Fraser, Director of Marketing and Retail