"Overall, I enjoyed it. Especially liked the spice and the heat it produced. By the final third, it was nice and hot on the palate, lips and left a real good 'zing' through the sinuses. This is one I can see having a home with me." -Robert (NavyPiper)
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·"Overall, the cigar started off pretty good for me. After it lost most of the spice, which was early on, it seemed to stay the same during the last two thirds. It became pretty mild overall, but was a nice creamy smoke with some sweetness. It was just OK for me, nothing spectacular." -Wes (SosaCub4Life)
"This cigar was a very enjoyable smoke on a Tuesday night. The aromas and flavor profile were quite enjoyable and pleasant to the palate. The lack of spice or pepper up front was unconventional due to the color and makeup of the cigar, however, it led to a surprising smoke and "on the edge of your seat" experience waiting for what was next to come. The cigar never truly changed complexity and stayed the same throughout, but again, the flavor profile was enjoyable so it did not hinder the overall outcome. I would suggest at least giving this cigar a chance and seeing if it fits your style. For me, I like a stronger maduro with a lot of pepper forward, but this is a nice change of pace to clean out the palate and enjoy some sweet, citrus flavors and aromas." -Steve (ThaGreatWazoo)