]J.C. Newman Cigar Co has begun shipping its updated Diamond Crown Black Diamond cigars to premium cigar retailers across the United States. Diamond Crown Black Diamond Cigars first hit the market in in 2016. They are rolled at Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic. The blend uses a Connecticut Havana wrapper with well-aged Dominican binder and filler tobaccos.
Asylum Cigars and Cigar Dojo are collaborating for the first time on a limited-edition cigar called, Asylum Meshugana. Both Asylum Cigars and Cigar Dojo are celebrating their 10th anniversaries in 2022, so it made sense to celebrate together. The word Meshugana is a plays on Yiddish slang for "nonsense," "silliness," or "craziness."
Crowned Heads Paniolo is making a comeback for the first time since 2019. Originally released in 2015, this Hawaii exclusive is made by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and Tabacalera La Alianza. The Paniolo Especiale 2022 comes in one size, a robusto extra that measures 51/4 x 52
"I would love to smoke this cigar again with an improved draw. The flavor notes were very nice but I dare say I missed out on the full experience due to the tightness. There could’ve been a little more oomph to the notes but it still was a pretty cigar to look at and a decent smoking experience." -Diana (ArmyRN)
"Another great cigar that was a pleasure to smoke. Notes of sweet and bitter tea, honey, and burnt toast. Nice strong ash that hangs on for an inch or two. A cigar I'd want to have in my humidor and to share with friends. A nice after breakfast smoke." -Sean F. (fullermaine)
Alejandro Martinez CuencaAllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticutFeaturedJoya De NicaraguaJuan MartinezLonsdaleNicaragua
·"The combination of salted nuts, butter, white pepper, and peanuts really sets this cigar apart from other mild cigars. Mild in strength but full of flavor. I would highly recommend this to any cigar lover. A perfect morning cigar or really any time of day cigar. Would love to see how this pairs with a Chai tea or a lighter roasted coffee." -Kevin J. (maninblack77)
"Overall, this was a wonderful straight-forward cigar with a medium to medium plus body, providing wonderful notes of almonds, leather, sweetness, and some pepper here and there. A few touchups were required to the wrapper, however, overall construction and burn were on par with a premium cigar. Clocking in with a smoke time of 90 minutes, you’ll need ample time to sit down & sip on this smoke. I’d recommend trying this one out, it may become your new favorite!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
"During the first half of the first third, I wasn’t sure this was the cigar for me. Into the second third the aforementioned flavors of creamy baking spice, salted butter, and slightly savory paprika, mixed in with black coffee periodically, made for some great flavors. Retrohale was very pleasing throughout. The burn was razor sharp and the entire experience and construction were flawless. Overall a very good experience. PS… And that ash!" -Randy B. (randobush)
"Another great cigar that I enjoyed. Beautiful light chocolate wrapper with bumps and veins showing. Nice notes of sweet tea, hickory, black pepper, and butterscotch balance this cigar out. Minor splitting at the end that corrects itself. Even burn with a nice inch long ash. Great late afternoon smoke. A cigar I'd try again." -Sean F. (fullermaine)
Gurkha Cigar Group has announced that their Revenant Sampler Bags are shipping now to retailers. The Revenant was officially debuted at PCA 2021 with two wrapper options, Maduro and Corojo. This year the company decided to offer those cigars in a new Sampler bag along with a preview of the new Connecticut version of that blend.