Cigars International has announced the cancelation of CIGARfest 2021. The cancellation come due to COVID-19 and the emergence of the delta variant. Cigars International will refund all event tickets in full by the end of August.
"This cigar was a most excellent after dinner cigar. It embodied almost exactly what you'd want from a dessert cigar. No I'm not talking about that artificial sweetness you get from flavored cigars, but instead I'm talking about the richness and perfect body that hits just right. On top of that, it is so well made that I found myself admiring it while smoking it. Definitely the highlight of my day and would not be opposed to picking up more." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"Overall this is a very enjoyable morning cigar. Just enough complexity and spice to wake you up for your day, but a nice cool floral and woodsy flavor that would pair well with a morning coffee. Though the visual look of the cigar leaves much to be desired, the flavor is very solid and worth revisiting. You also could not ask for much more from the construction or burn. " -Lauren S. (Lauren S.)
Claudio Sgroi, former Master Blender and President of Mombacho Cigars and current Tobacco Industry Consultant is collaborating with Edgar Julian Sued, owner of Julián Sued & Compañía (Cigar Factory) for a series of three Limited Edition cigars.
"This cigar was a real treat. Exceptional flavors throughout, with subtle transitions. Even at the end of the final third, flavors were still a delight, with no heat or bitterness. I would smoke this cigar over and over." -Randy B. (randobush)
Sebastien Decoppet, founder of Cavalier Genève Cigars, announced that Cavalier has opened its own cigar factory in Danli, Honduras. The project was 5 years in the making and the new factory is called Fabrica Centroamericana de Tabaco S.A. (FCT).
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCubariquenoErik EspinosaFeaturedHabanoHector Alfonso Sr.NaturalNicaraguaRosadoToro
·"I'm very conflicted. The burn required constant attention and more relights than I cared to count. The flavors were very good though and I found the profile shifted though out in engaging ways. I would smoke this again to see if the construction issues were a fluke but I would be wary of purchase if the price was high. " -Alan (Eulogy)
"This was a very mild blend. I ended up retro-haling with almost every puff to get the flavors I did manage to discover. It began sweet and floral then slowly transitioned into a more smoky mesquite flavor. The draw was a bit tight and the smoke production was very lacking. There was nothing unpalatable about the blend but nothing that stood out either." -Lauren S. (Lauren S.)
Alec Bradley Cigar Co. has announced that they bringing back their proprietary triangular shaped Trilogy line of cigars in very limited quantities. Alan Rubin came up with the idea for Trilogy during a fishing trip with some other cigar manufacturers. The topic of cigar shapes came up and one of the others told Rubin that he just cannot come out with another round cigar. Rubin took the statement to heart and started brainstorming until he made his way to a South Florida Home Depot, where he created the triangular mold.