Cigar Accessory Review: Xikar | Turrim 5 x 64
Cigar Accessory Review: Xikar | Turrim 5 x 64

Accessory Review: Xikar | 5 x 64 Turrim

Accessory Review: Xikar | 5 x 64 Turrim
Accessory Review: | 5 x 64


When I first saw the pictures of the lighter from , I thought it was nice and sleek looking, and I liked that they emphasized how much fuel it could hold, but I had NO IDEA until I received this thing in the mail how big it actually is. And that's not to say that it's size it a bad thing either, I have come to really appreciate the size and shape of this lighter. I have included a side by side picture of my Ellipse III lighter that I considered to be pretty big and a triple flame.


Now, this is marketed as a tabletop lighter but one of the things I like most about it is the fact that it's cigar-shaped. It literally measures 5 x 64 so it's a double robusto. This means that you can stick it in a travel humidor, and just have it take up the space you would have used for a cigar and not have to worry about it sliding around, or crushing cigars. Genius. Granted, this occasion would call for a larger group of people, given that you would need a larger travel humidor, but you wouldn't be bringing a lighter this big unless you were prepared to share with a lot of others anyway. So for the right occasion, this can make for an awesome travel-tabletop lighter.

Accessory Review: Xikar | 5 x 64 Turrim
Accessory Review: | 5 x 64


Functionally, you could not ask for much more. It lights just about every click, and feels good in the hand. It holds a ton of gas; I've been using it as my daily lighter for about two weeks now, I smoke about 3 cigars a week and have not run out of fuel yet. Seriously. Another favorite feature of this cigar that you don't find out about until you use it is the flame adjustment. It doesn't just turn from plus to minus, but it clicks. This sounds like a minor thing, but if you're like me, and want your flame to always be consistent, knowing that my sweet spot is three clicks down from the max is a huge thing. To summarize, this is my new favorite lighter. It's a great tabletop and it can come with you when you need it. The price is a bit steep at 79.99, but well worth it in my opinion. Be sure to check out more pictures below.

Cigar Accessory Review: | 5 x 64


Verdict: Highly Recommend