Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Limited Edition "Dominicana"

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Limited Edition “Dominicana”

Cigars has introduced the , a new Limited Release. This cigars’ claim to fame is that is uses exclusively vintage tobacco.

The brand is globally revered for cigars of sophistication and superior quality. To embrace our heritage we created the line that reflects the vitality and colourful culture of the . To achieve this task, our Master Blenders combined five Dominican tobaccos with an Ecuadorian binder and awarded the creation with a Dominican wrapper to compose the . We are pleased to have succeeded in developing a cigar that unites complex and manifold flavours with the smooth classiness of the White Band Collection and which captures the Dominican joy de vivre. The is not only a spirited example of ‘s expertise and excellence in craftsmanship, but is also a statement to our enormous assortment of vintage tobacco stocks. The tobaccos harvested in 2014 have been carefully aged over six years to be eventually blended into the , making it a bold testimony of our vintage proposition. The emphasizes ‘s core difference that aficionados worldwide value highly with our brand and company and our tireless efforts to delight our customers with unique propositions.

Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger AG.

The cigar is described as refined, yet full-bodied and features a signature pigtail cap. It also has golden foot band with the year of the tobacco harvest. In addition to using aged tobacco, the cigars themselves have been resting for over 12 months after being rolled. The blend uses a Hybrid 257 wrapper, Ecuadorian Hybrid 151 binder, and fillers include San Vincente Visus, San Vincente Mejorado Seco, Piloto Visus, Dominican Corojo 99 Seco, and Yamasá Visus from .

comes in three sizes: 6 x 54, a Robusto 5 1/8 x 52 and a Short Robusto 4 x 50. All comes in wooden boxes of ten cigars and the packaging has an icon to highlight the vintage tobacco blend. No pricing has been announced.