Davidoff Cigars has introduced a new Travel Humidor. The new product is said to meet the needs of cigar aficionados looking to travel in style, and a refined, practical and protective solution for travelling with your cigars. Davidoff worked with renowned Italian craftsman and designer Marcello Bottino to bring this new product line to life. Bottino specializes in welding techniques and innovative textile design, using new materials and solutions.
“Many aficionados have been expressing the need for a more stylish way to travel with their cigars than the practical cigar box. To address this we have reinvented the travel humidor in collaboration with Marcello Bottino, an Italian designer and craftsman who helped us engineer this stylish accessory for optimal cigar care. The choice of materials had to be fully compatible with cigars, the technology enabling the humidity to be locked inside the humidor, the protection of the cigars – These are all the challenges we presented to Marcello Bottino. With his never-ending enthusiasm for new technologies, research, development and vision, Marcello has been the perfect partner.” explained Charles Awad, Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Davidoff explains the key features of the new travel humidor as:
- Lightweight Materials
- Thanks to the durable and lightweight textiles that are used, this high-tech cigar accessory weighs between 600 g and 700 g.
- Safe Cigar Care
- The innovative tray is crafted with high fabric waves to prevent cigars from being crushed and a soft fabric to preserve the wrapper of the cigar.
- Locked in Humidity and Magnetic Seal
- Strong magnets and multi-layer construction achieve a tight seal with no stitching.
- Novel Humidification System
- The cigars can be kept for approximately three weeks, thanks to the Davidoff humidification system that releases humidity slowly and evenly.
The Davidoff Travel Humidor is available in three different designs:
Each model is 30 x 31 x 4 cm. MSRP for each is $350.00 and they are available now.