Cigar News: Davidoff Unveils Exclusive Limited Edition Cigar for Tampa Cigar Bar

Cigar News: Davidoff Unveils Exclusive Limited Edition Cigar for Tampa Cigar Bar

Cigar News: Davidoff Unveils Exclusive Limited Edition Cigar for Tampa Cigar BarDavidoff Cigars unveils the Exclusive Limited Edition cigar for the Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 Tampa Cigar Bar

Basel / Tampa – May 2017. To celebrate the successful business relationship between Oettinger AG and Jeff Borysiewicz, owner of Corona Cigar Company, ‘s Master Blenders have created a uniquely tailored blend with Mr. Borysiewicz’s own Florida Sun Grown Tobacco as filler tobacco. This limited edition marks the second collaboration using Jeff Borysiewicz’s Florida Sun Grown tobacco. This cigar represents a complete taste experience, carefully conceptualized and blended with Master Blender Eladio Diaz to celebrate the great success of the of Geneva since 1911 Tampa Cigar Bar.

Cigar News: Davidoff Unveils Exclusive Limited Edition Cigar for Tampa Cigar Bar

“The Borysiewicz family have been great partners of for over 20 years. and Jeff Borysiewicz share many of the same philosophies and principles regarding cigar retailing and tobacco cultivation. It’s important for to support Jeff and his family in their efforts to grow and protect the premium cigar industry in the US,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger AG.

Cigar News: Davidoff Unveils Exclusive Limited Edition Cigar for Tampa Cigar Bar“Our entire team is extremely excited about the new Tampa Florida Sun Grown being added as the third exclusive offering for our Tampa store. We wanted to bring a whole new dimension to the portfolio of Limited Edition Tampa cigars, so we challenged Master Blender Eladio Diaz to blend our exclusive Florida Sun Grown tobacco with the dark, robust varieties of tobaccos that he uses in the and Yamasá family of cigars. We now have a selection of Limited Edition cigars for mild, medium and full-bodied aficionados. The complex, unique flavors of the Florida Sun Grown tobacco really come through,” says Jeff Borysiewicz, president and founder of Corona Cigar Company.

About Davidoff Exclusive Tampa Florida Sun Grown

An elegant bespoke Exclusive Edition is now available for customers at the of Geneva since 1911 Tampa Cigar Bar. In collaboration with Jeff Borysiewicz and Corona Cigar Company, the percentage of Florida Sun Grown filler tobacco was reviewed and quality controlled under the same meticulous standards required of every cigar. Each cigar box features the Tampa skyline along with the Florida Sun Grown logo. This edition is very limited and will be an exciting proposition for cigar collectors. The Florida Sun Grown tobacco adds a unique, spicy flavor and complexity when combined with a variety of ‘s exquisite aged tobaccos from , delivers exceptional flavor and palate stimulation.

“The cigar is finished with a gorgeous Ecuadorian “” 2000 wrapper. This truly unique blend results in a rich, full-bodied and luxurious smoke,” says Jeff Borysiewicz, president and founder of Corona Cigar Company.


The Exclusive Tampa Florida Sun Grown is a 10-count box, now available in limited quantities at the of Geneva since 1911 Tampa Cigar bar.