Cigar News: Emilio Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin

Cigar News: Emilio Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin

Emilio Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin

In 2011, Grimalkin came to the market, and became a widely acclaimed and sought after cigar from , now a part of , just announced what many fans have been waiting to hear.  Grimalkin will return in May of 2018.

Emilio Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin

“Grimalkin was always a cigar that stood out in the portfolio.  It was intriguing, so when , owner of cigars, asked me to recreate a 2018 version, I was excited to do so.  I like the theme and the style of cigar, it just needed an update and so we put our Oveja Negra spin on it.  Since the cigar is a Nicaraguan Puro, my goal was to highlight the qualities I love about Nicaraguan tobacco,” said , owner of .


Grimalkin will be available in a 5×50 Robusto ($9.80 MSRP) and a 5×50 ($10.00 MSRP).  Each vitola will ship in 25-count boxes.  The cigars will begin shipping to retailers in May of 2018

Emilio Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin
Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin
Emilio Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin
Cigars Re-Release Grimalkin