Over the past few years, Nicaraguan cigars, including Joya de Nicaragua have broken in to the Asian market and gained popularity. Now, Joya de Nicaragua has partnered with Hong Kong based Cigraal, Joya de Nicaragua‘s exclusive distributor for China, Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam, to launch an exclusive cigar for the Asian market, Cuatro Cinco – Edición Asia.
This new cigar will be a limited production of 1,000 boxes, each containing 10 cigars. The blend is the same as the more widely available Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial, but in a new vitola, the company’s signature Gran Consul (4 ¾ x 60). The blend is composed of Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper and select Grade A fillers that have been aged in vintage white oak barrels that were used in a world renowned rum distillery.
“We wanted this masterpiece to revolve around Pixiu, a Chinese hybrid mythical creature believed to be a protector and wealth promoter,
and is a figure ever-present in powerful and grandiose feats of victory in battle, representing the values of courage and resilience that are
common between our Nicaraguan and Asian cultures. This is not about cultural appropriation; on the contrary, is an expression of cultural
interconnection and profound friendship. We want to share with Asian cigar connoisseurs one of our cigars we feel the proudest of, and
with it all the positive things Pixiu and the Chinese Lucky Clouds can give them and us,” said Juan Ignacio Martínez, Executive President of Joya de Nicaragua.
Cuatro Cinco – Edición Asia is part of the Obras Maestras line, a special line of cigars at Joya de Nicaragua that ecompasses the best cigars hand-crafted in the factory, an extraordinary achievement by Fábrica Joya de Nicaragua. The new cigar will have an official launch during a live-stream on Joya de Nicaragua‘s Instagram account, on May 6th at 7:00pm (GTM -6) hosted by Juan Martínez and Eric Piras, founder of Cigraal.
“At Cigraal, we are proud and honored to be the exclusive agent for this first limited edition from Joya de Nicaragua. Asian aficionados are very fond of exclusive cigars; with the utmost quality and craft of the blend and the superb packaging, we are confident that this limited edition will generate enthusiasm in cigar connoisseurs and collectors,” said Eric Piras Founder of Cigraal and Bertie Cigar Lounge.