Cigar News: Ventura Cigar Company Restructures

Cigar News: Ventura Cigar Company Restructures

Cigar News: Ventura Cigar Company Restructures Cigar Company has restructured its national sales organization including some layoffs. The company cites preparation of new FDA regulations expected to hit in coming months. The company said in a press release that Kretek International, parent company of Venura Cigars, remains strong and profitable. Exact numbers of layoffs were not given, but other media outlets have reported the number going from 9 to 3.

Michael Giannini, General Manager of Cigar Company said, “Making tough decisions has kept Kretek International strong throughout the decades, and I commend the company for recognizing the changing market landscape and taking necessary steps to remain an industry leader. We are grateful for the contributions of our employees and wish everyone well as they continue their journeys.”