Altadis U.S.A., a key player in premium cigars, is marking a historic milestone for the venerable H. Upmann brand, celebrating 180 years of storied tradition in the cigar industry. In honor of this anniversary, a limited edition H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar has been announced, offering aficionados a taste of history in each draw.
With a lineage tracing back to 1844, when Herman Upmann, a German banker, ventured into the tobacco world in Havana, Cuba, the brand has maintained its reputation across two centuries. The 180th-anniversary commemoration includes a special Churchill sized cigar, encased in a 10-count box with only 5,000 units produced. Additionally, there will be 180 unique, numbered humidors released, each stocked with 50 exclusive Toro-sized cigars.
Rafael Nodal, Head of Product Capability for Tabacalera USA, shared his enthusiasm for the release: “We are proud to pay tribute to the 180th Anniversary of the H. Upmann brand with this exceptional cigar. The blend features a complex variety of Nicaraguan tobaccos from different regions, providing an array of flavor nuances and aromas.”
This celebratory release, created in collaboration with Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez, features a Nicaraguan blend wrapped in a medio tiempo leaf from a hybrid seed, enriched through an advanced fermentation process. This meticulous crafting aims to deliver a smoke with rich flavors and a multifaceted complexity that stands as a testament to the Upmann brothers’ dedication to the art of cigar making.
The anniversary doesn’t stop at cigars. Embracing the luxurious legacy of the brand, H. Upmann has joined forces with the bespoke hat creator, Wild Hats, to produce a limited-edition commemorative fedora. These exclusive hats will be showcased alongside the cigars at the Altadis U.S.A. booth at the PCA Trade Show.
The anniversary series details are as follows:
10-count box of Churchill cigars: $22.50 per cigar, with 5,000 numbered boxes available.
50-count humidor: $1,500 per package, with 180 numbered humidors available.
The PCA Trade Show attendees can anticipate the first glimpse of the H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar and humidor from March 22-25 in Las Vegas. This release is not just a new product launch but a celebration of a brand that has withstood the test of time, offering premium quality and exemplary craftsmanship to cigar lovers around the world.