Micallef Cigars has announced two new sizes in their Leyenda blend, a Robusto and a Toro. The name “Leyenda,” meaning “Legend” in Spanish, resonates with this cigar’s legacy, spanning generations. Born from the skilled hands of Don Pedro F. Gomez in the vibrant heart of Cuba during the 1930s, the Leyenda blend’s rich heritage is now entrusted to his grandsons, Joel and Edel Gomez Sanchez. These master blenders at Micallef Cigars continue to honor their forefather’s vision, weaving tradition into every cigar.
The Micallef Ambassador community chooses Leyenda as a perennial favorite for celebrations, the Leyenda 1 and 2 have long been known for their unique hand-shaped tapered figurado pyramid form and evocative wooden coffin packaging. Micallef Cigars’ unwavering dedication to quality and meticulous attention to detail is showcased in every aspect of the Leyenda blend.
I can’t wait to get this cigar in the hands of cigar lovers. These new Leyenda‘s are smoking great. I am so proud of the work coming out of our factory. This is the best cigar we’ve made so far.
Al Micallef, Micallef Cigar’s founder
Micallef Cigars has expanded the Leyenda line with the popular Toro and Robusto vitolas, encased in refined, streamlined packaging. This bold move brings the legendary Leyenda blend to a wider audience, making it more accessible for all to enjoy.
Micallef Ambassadors improve our understanding of what the consumer market seeks through constant dialogue. Beginning in 2019, we invested deeper in our factory, specifically on tobacco acquisition and fermentation, to enable production levels of one million cigars annually. Greater volume, coupled with elegant but simpler packaging, allows us to bring this fantastic smoke to our consumers at a price more akin to a daily smoke.
Dan Thompson, President of Micallef Cigars
Now available in 25-count boxes, the new Leyenda formats debuted at pre-release events in March and April. The Leyenda new sizes blend began shipping on May 8th.
- Format: 5×52 Robusto 6×52 Toro
- Strength: Medium to Full
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and Honduras.
- Robusto Retail Price: $10.50/cigar Toro Retail Price: $11.50/cigar