Over the past few years, Nicaraguan cigars, including Joya de Nicaragua have broken in to the Asian market and gained popularity. Now, Joya de Nicaragua has partnered with Hong Kong based Cigraal, Joya de Nicaragua's exclusive distributor for China, Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam, to launch an exclusive cigar for the Asian market, Cuatro Cinco - Edición Asia.
"Other then the occasional cardboard taste that would pop in it was a great smoke. An interesting profile that had several profile changes kept me engaged till the end. I would smoke it again and hope that the paper flavor wasn't present." -Alan (Eulogy)
AlanAlejandro Martinez CuencaAllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticutFeaturedIPCPRIsaac M.John A.Joya De NicaraguaJuan MartinezLonsdaleMickey T.NaturalNicaraguaRyan H.
·"Wow, this is world class stick. Never have I had such a well balanced, nuanced, medium bodied smoke. The three transitions provided a ménage à trois of deliciousness that would satisfy any hardened and seasoned cigar smoker. I am floored by the quality of this cigar. BOX WORTHY. " -John A. (Bostoneo)
As the oldest and first premium cigar factory in Nicaragua, Joya de Nicaragua already has a phenomenal legacy. In 2018, they will bolster that legacy with the introduction of Cinco Décadas. This is a very special cigar made with an exclusive blend of tobaccos, and the 50 years of dedication and knowledge of the wonderful people at Joya de Nicaragua.
As we close out our series on Puro Sabor 2018, let's take a look at the events that made the week special. In all honesty, even the everyday lunches were special events. It seemed like every time we gathered for a meal, the organizers pulled out all the stops and made it a grand occasion instead of just another meal. One of my favorite things about all of these events was the reality of being able to sit down with people from all over the world, all walks of life, and all manner of experience in the cigar industry. We were all the same at these events. It was just an enormous group of friends gathering for a meal, some drinks, and great conversation.
Alejandro Martinez CuencaAllBlind Cigar ReviewsFeaturedIPCPRJoya De NicaraguaJuan MartinezNaturalNicaraguaToro
·"This was a very good cigar with excellent burn and flavor transitions. I would definitely smoke this one again. At first, I thought this was going to be a quick smoke, however, it continued to burn well beyond what I expected. Pair with coffee, English Brown or Lightly pleated Scotch. " -James H. (Keikan Jim)
AlanAlejandro Martinez CuencaAllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticutFeaturedJames H.John I.Joya De NicaraguaJuan MartinezKevin J.Nate H.NaturalNicaraguaRobusto
·"If you are a fan of mild cigars this is a real winner. The depth of flavors were terrific, smoke output was phenomenal, and profile changes kept me engaged. I would certainly smoke this again and again. " -Alan (Eulogy)
This year, Joya de Nicaragua has shipped two TAA exclusive cigars: Antaño Gran Reserva Presidente and Selección de Torcedor. The Antaño Gran Reserva Presidente returns from 2018 unchanged. The Selección de Torcedor is a new release but is only available with the purchase of the Gran Reserva as a 5-pack.
Joya de Nicaragua will celebrate 50 years in 2018, and one of the many commemorative events is the new release of the Antaño Gran Reserva Presidente. This is an exclusive TAA release that also joins the 50 year celebration for The Tobacconist Association of America (TAA). TAA is a group of select tobacco retailers and specialists in the United States and JDN is the oldest cigar factory in operation in Nicaragua.
Joya de Nicaragua proudly announces the release of Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial,
a carefully modied recipe containing a unique and exceptional selection of barrel-aged
Grade A fillers and a beautiful silky shade-grown habano wrapper from the legendary
Jalapa valley. Distinct from the Limited Edition, it also incorporates a carefully
selected volado dominican binder.