Cigar Info Foundation Cigars debuted a new core line of cigars, Olmec, at the 2022 PCA trade show. Foundation Olmec...
"This was a good cigar. There were several flavor elements, and the retro kept changing on me starting with peanut butter and ending with floral. There was black pepper, sweet caramel as well as nuttiness flavors throughout. This is a perfect morning cigar that I would like to pair with coffee. I would definitely pick up a fiver. Check em' out." -Mickey T. (irratebass)
"Overall I enjoyed this cigar. The transition from dry and earth to bakers spice and bread notes was a pleasant surprise. The lemon zest on the finish definitely added to the overall experience " -Kevin A. (Kevin A.)
Very easy light and go. Just sit back and take this cigar in. This cigar will fall under every cigar smokers realm. Grab these by the boxes and bring them out for special occasions with a nice cocktail. This cigar will not disappoint." -Steve (ThaGreatWazoo)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCollaboration ReviewCubanacanFeaturedHabanoNaturalNicaraguaOmar González AlemánRobertToro
·"Overall, this was a real nice cigar. I really liked the balance of the natural tobacco and cocoa flavors as both had a nice synergy throughout the cigar. The medium to full strength and body of this cigar really worked well with this flavor profile. This is definitely a cigar I would smoke again - and it's certainly worthy of a box split." -Will (Cigar-Coop)
"This was a cigar that offered up some good notes of salted nuts, warm baking spices, and the tartness of plums. It also hit a high note of pepper towards the end that hit with just the right amount of pop. While the notes were strong enough and moderately complex, the construction issues really took away from the experience. With all of this being said, I could see checking these out with a couple singles and see if it hits within your wheelhouse." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"Overall this is a pretty good cigar. Construction was fantastic to the point where I considered if it was machine rolled. Absolutely flawless. Very light weight. For a Toro cigar rolled with this precision I would expect more oily and heavier tobacco’s. Not a bad thing, but lead to easier smoke output and a quicker burn. Flavors kept me guessing the whole time and we’re always interesting. Quite different from the beginning of the cigar to the end in a pleasant way. Will definitely smoke this one again." -Adam B. (Bushboi)
I am very impressed with this cigar overall and wish I had more to smoke. The profile changes kept me engaged throughout and the changes were so dramatic that it almost felt like smoking multiple great cigars. The burn was razor sharp but the foot of the cigar was a little loose which made the smoke output a little thin till the final third.
If you tried the Soneros cigar in the past and enjoyed it, you may have been wondering what on earth happened to it. Well fear not, because White Hat Cigars have been working to get that cigar back on store shelves. That will be a reality in April of 2018. Soneros will be available with a maduro or claro wrapper. The cigars are already available for pre-order by retailer