Epic Cigars has announced a brand new cigar, A Bronx Tale, by Chazz Palminteri. In addition to Palminteri, the cigar is a collaboration with Paul DiSilvio of La Casa Grande Tobacco Company.
"The flavors were solid, construction was great, smoke output was rich and creamy, and I found the experience effortless. Without a doubt, it's a solid cigar and one that I would smoke again. The only drawback, to me personally, was that there were no real transitions to speak of and due to the size of the cigar was a bit monotonous. " -Alan (Eulogy)
"A very enjoyable smoke with more flavor than was expected and excellent performance. I'm not normally a fan of long smokes, but I would recommend this one for sure and would love to give it a try in a smaller vitola sometime down the road." -Dave W. (mdwest)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsBrazilianDean ParsonsDominican RepublicEpicFeaturedGreggJason H.RobertRonToroWes
·"We've got us a winner here! Ample flavor, a great burn and superior construction. That's a recipe for enjoyment! This cigar promised excellence at the first sniff and lived up to its promise...fully! I can't wait to see what this is...and I hope I can afford to buy some to keep on hand...This one is a super premium all the way!" -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
This cigar was a great addition to the Epic line from Montecristo, maybe the best yet. I was a big fan of the Epic Craft Cured, a cigar that I thought went kind of under the radar. This is just as good as that or better. The flavors were harmonious and left me wanting more and more. I really dug the caramel sweetness combined with the on an off oak flavor. The burn and draw were perfect the whole time and just added to the great experience. I will be picking up some more of these for myself, I think you should too.
This was a really good cigar, probably my favorite Altadis release in recent history. These were just good traditional flavors that were very balanced at every turn. I think these are ready to smoke right now, and have some short-term aging potential to really bring out the bready flavors. The construction was spot on with the draw and smoke production, and never had to light again. I'm glad I have a couple more of these and plan on smoking another very soon.
“Overall this was a nice cigar. It started heavy on spice but then transitioned away from that to be more of a relaxing creamy smoke with some sweetness. I wish there would have been more spice towards the end, but overall a very good smoke.” -Wes (SosaCub4Life)