Fable Cigars has been around for about 8 years, getting their start with the help of RoMa Craft and the popularity of their first cigar, Fourth Prime. This year, Fable is adding a limited production cigar to their lineup, Two Things. This cigar is a collaboration with Cavalier (Sebastian Decoppet) and their factory, Fabrica Centroamericana de Tabaco in Honduras. There are actually two cigars in the works, this one, Two Things, and Scions, another limited release. More details on that to come.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsEricFableFeaturedGreggIPCPRIsaac M.Jason H.Jeff R.MaduroMitul ShahNicaraguaPennsylvania BroadleafRobusto
·“This cigar, based on looks alone, was one that I was anticipating. The best part is that it didn’t disappoint. Fuller flavored. Fuller bodied. Just what I was expecting. The flavor of this cigar was spot on, for me, to the point that I was easily able to forgive the burn problems. I found that this cigar lighted to be smoked, and not set down to rest, which was fine because I didn’t want to put it down.” –Isaac M. (The Nothing)