Gurkha Cigars started shipping the special edition 15-year Cellar Reserve cigar to stores across the United States. This cigar was created to commemorate the Cellar Reserve’s 10-year anniversary. The Cellar Reserve is the company’s first brick and mortar cigar and its most successful brand and this anniversary edition was very well received during this year’s IPCPR.
"While the burn was a chore, the flavors and intense smoke output made this an enjoyable smoke. I typically don't like large ring gauges, but this cigar kept me interested. While I would not go out and purchase a box, I would smoke one again." -Matthew T. (A Huge Nerd)
"This cigar was an absolute dynamite smoking experience. From the look and feel in the hand to the smooth flavor transitions, this cigar will please the entire range of smokers. Grab some of these and truly enjoy. Great cigar. " -Steve (ThaGreatWazoo)