"Very full bodied and flavored from begging to end. It's certainly not pretty in terms of construction and the draw was way too loose but if you're looking for a heavy hitting cigar this is a good choice. This is good size since the profile never had any dynamic shifts but I'm not sure how I would have felt if this was in a gordo size. " -Alan (Eulogy)
Two of the cigar industry's biggest names are joining together. Starting November 1, José Blanco will be the senior vice president of EPC Cigar Co., the premium cigar company owned by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. Blanco has turned over the operations of his Las Cumbres Tabaco and its brands (Señorial and Freyja) to his wife, Emma Viktorsson, co-founder and co-owner of the company.
John Johnson, President of Tre-J Cigars announced a BLENDING agreement between Jose Blanco and Company CEO, Jay Clark. “Although Jose is very busy with his own brand, I was fortunate enough to convince him to assist us in blending INVICTIS. Development and sampling to a multinational taste panel is underway so as to choose a blend which best represents the unconquered spirit of INVICTIS.
José Blanco joined E.P. Carrillo almost three years ago, and now is leaving the company. At E.P. Carrillo he served as senior vice president and his tenure will officially end August 31. Prior to E.P. Carrillo, José Blanco ran his own cigar company Las Cumbres Tabaco where he released the Senorial line, and before that spent his time at Joya de Nicaragua and La Aurora.
AaronAllBelicosoBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicEmmettFeaturedHabanoJiunnJose BlancoLas Cumbres TabacoNaturalSandeepSeñorial By Jose Blanco
·"I really liked this cigar. It was a great middle of the day smoke, not too strong, not too weak. It reminded me of the Sun Grown Perdomo Champagne. There was lots of flavor, but not too much spice, until the end, when it needed it. I would definitely smoke this again, and might buy a few to age." -Emmett (rhetorik)
The former vice president of Joya de Nicaragua and sales director of La Aurora has created his own company: Las Cumbres Tabaco, which already has a first blend in the works.