Luciano Cigars introduces the "Underrated" cigar line in collaboration with NBA icon Ron Harper, aiming to offer a quality smoking experience without relying on fame.
Rick Rodriguez of CAO fame and Luciano Meirelles of Luciano cigars are collaborating on a new project, The Maker. The new cigar will be released at the "My Old Kentucky Herf" event, The limited-edition cigar is available nationwide and distributed by “My Old Kentucky Herf” (Fatash Cigar cigars and lounge).
Luciano Cigars showed off a brand new cigar line, Foreign Affair, at the TPE trade show in Las Vegas. The company says this new cigar is an ode to the globalization of the cigar industry and its smokers, to the capacity we have of connecting with one another by experiencing a great cigar together.
Luciano Cigars has resumed shipping all of its brands to retailer partners across the country, including Luciano The Dreamer, Fiat Lux, Maria Lucia, Mas Igneus, MXS, and more, follow it's split with then distributor Crowned Heads. The company says it has completely restocked the inventory of its South Florida warehouse. It also said in a press release, despite recent economic inflation, Luciano Cigars will not be raising any prices.
"Overall this was a very good cigar. There was plenty to like about this stick in its presentation, to is flavors, and to its performance. This cigar started out with a bang by giving me heavy chocolate soufflé flavors then switching it up to walnuts and eventually giving me must notes all bringing me cream and butter on the retro and black pepper on my palate that would not's just lingered. I would venture to say this is at a minimum worth picking up a fiver, and I am curious to see what I smoked. " -Mickey T. (irratebass)
"Things kicked off with a good pop, but the cigar quickly found its footing. I'm a fan of chai, and I was happy to experience a fair amount of that halfway through the cigar. It ended with ease and subtleness that almost lulled me into a sense of bliss. This experience read just like a typical story with a beginning, middle, and end. Each playing their own part, but also able to present a bigger picture. I could see myself smoking this again." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
"Of the non-figurado parejos, Coronas are arguably one of my favorite sizes that I tend to reach for and I was excited when I pulled this stick out of the humidor. I just love a cigar that showcases the wrapper and binder as opposed to the filler and this blend certainly works in this vitola. Not only were the flavors explosive from the very first puff to the very last but this smoke was incredibly smooth throughout. The flavors never really transitioned but rather matured and evolved all the while complimenting one another in perfect balance. Kudos to the blender for creating a delightful blend that I can not wait to smoke again!" -Noah S. (Noah)
Luciano Cigars and ATL Cigar Co have announced the launch of ATL’s fifth line of cigars, the Wise Blood.
"It's rare to say I've had an epic experience with these blind reviews, but this is definitely one of those times. The flavor profile hit my palate in all the right areas. Chocolate, cocoa, black pepper, earth, and baking spices came together to create an amazing smoking experience. I can't wait to hear what this cigar is because I'll definitely be looking to buy a box. Thanks for the chance to try this." -Kevin J. (maninblack77)
Co-Owners Luciano Meirelles and Tiago Splitter have announced that Ace Prime Cigars will be rebranded as Luciano Cigars and start their own independent US distribution. Meirelles says that company will now be fully vertically-integrated company from "seed to smoke." This news comes several days after the announced split between ACE Prime and Crowned Heads.