Mombacho Cigars S.A. announced today the shipment of their upcomming cigar, Casa Favilli, named after the factory in which all Mombacho Cigars are made. The Mombacho Casa Favilli is the first cigar to use a Broadleaf wrapper grown in Nicaragua. The first shipment is being called a limited pre-release and will consist of 150 boxes of each vitola. Regular production will take place in 2019. Each comes in 12 count boxes and the vitolas are as follows: Robusto – 5 x 50 - MSRP $10.95, Toro – 6 x 52 - MSRP $11.95, Torpedo – 5 ½ x 52 - MSRP $12.95.
The annual "Cosecha" release from Mombacho is being shipped to the United States, Europe, and Canada after a 7 week delay from Nicaraguan turmoil. The Coescha 2013 is the second of Mombacho Cigar's annual release which is a true vintage release, meaning the tobaco in these cigars is from the year 2013 and the cigars were actually rolled 4 years ago and have been aging.
In my most recent trip to Nicaragua I was fortunate to attend Puro Sabor 2018. Puro Sabor is a celebration of the Nicaraguan cigar industry and the people who make it so wonderful. I had previously been to Nicaragua once before, in the fall of 2015, and I was so grateful to be able to go back again. Since there's so much to cover about this trip I'll break it into a series of different articles each covering different aspects of the trip itself. One theme that I hope you'll notice in all of these articles is the people. The people are the most important aspect of every piece of the cigar industry in Nicaragua. Nothing is more important to the industry than its people and it's the relationships that make the cigar industry in Nicaragua so beautiful and so wonderful.
GRANADA, NICARAGUA - (16 OCTOBER 2017) – Mombacho Cigars, S. A. announced today that their Cosecha 2012, has begun shipping to retailers after its release at the 2017 International Premium Cigars & Pipe Retails (IPCPR) trade show in Las Vegas, NV. Mombacho also announced that their popular Mombachito will begin shipping in new 10-count and 50-count boxes.
GRANADA, NICARAGUA - (8 MAY 2017) - Mombacho Cigars S.A. announced today that Patina Cigars have been shipped to the US and will reach retailers later in the coming weeks.
AllBlenderBlind Cigar ReviewsClaudio SgroiFeaturedJeffJohn A.Mickey T.MombachoNaturalNicaraguaRyan H.Toro
·"This was a good cigar that surprised me with how creamy it was despite the looks of the cigar. I was expecting a powerhouse of a smoke, but it was a medium in strength with plenty of flavors of cocoa, nuts and some coffee. " -Mickey T. (irratebass)
"This one of those sticks you can lose yourself in. Would definitely pair well with a nice coffee with a bit of cream. The flavor transitions were so smooth as you wonder through the fantastic flavor profiles this stick has to offer. Two thumbs up, must buy all of these sticks, a perfect match made in heaven for me. " -John A. (John A.)
Mombacho Cigars has launched an online store to sell branded merchandise. It will not sell any cigars online.
GRANADA, NICARAGUA - (27 JUNE 2017) – Mombacho Cigars, S.A. will debut their latest release, Cosecha 2012, at the upcoming International Premium Cigars & Pipe Retails (IPCPR) trade show in Las Vegas, NV. The Cosecha 2012 will be on display in the Mombacho Cigars booth (#455) starting on July 11, 2017.
GRANADA, NICARAGUA - (25 APRIL 2017) - Mombacho Cigars S.A. announced today that Mo Maali has been named the company’s National Sales Manager. “I'm thrilled to have Mo on board. His experience in the cigar industry will bring strength to the Mombacho Cigars organization and his extreme passion for our brands is endless. Mo has the knowledge and personality to guide our sales team and I wish him all the best,” said Mombacho President and Master Blender Claudio Sgroi.