Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + Accessories

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + Accessories

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + AccessoriesMedia Release – In its mission to take aficionados to new horizons and exciting experiences, Davidoff Cigars launches a new whisky cask aged cigar line – the Winston Churchill Late Hour

Basel, June 12, 2017. On the heels of the global success behind its line, announces the launch of a new cigar range, “The ”. Like other cigars in the line, they are inspired by Sir – one of the most celebrated cigar lovers in history. When most were thinking of their beds, Sir was thinking how best to run a country or inspire a nation with the power of his words. His strength and creativity did not wane when the natural light of day faded into night. In the evening twilight, he found his spark and source of inspiration with a glass of whisky and a cigar.

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + Accessories

“Gourmets across the globe have opened their eyes and minds to what is possible when venturing beyond the usual French wine, Scotch whisky, basic roasted coffee or their home country’s cuisine. We at are excited to open the cigar aficionado’s world with new tastes and a rewarding experience with “The ”: a complex and flavourful Scotch cask aged multi-origin cigar blend. The journey to new experiences and horizons will be worth it. We feel sure that Sir Winston would have enjoyed it and would have filled his late hours beautifully with this exceptional cigar and a glass of his favourite Scotch,” said Charles Awad, Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger AG.

Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston’s great-grandson, added: “The late hours into the early morning was the time when Churchill would gather all those resources together and commit himself to working, whether it was on his books with his research advisors or with his military people deciding the course of action. So, the late hours and the dark hours were when Churchill was his most productive in life. And he was never without a cigar.”

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + AccessoriesThe cigar is ideal to be enjoyed when the end of the evening is just the start of something more; when thoughts and discussions weave interesting paths into the night. This cigar has its own unique story. It is a multi-origin blend with Nicaraguan tobacco aged in the finest Scotch single malt whisky casks, suffusing it with a unique complexity, depth and the headiest of flavours which combine to create a distinctive atmosphere, stimulating the palate and the conversation at the same time.

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + AccessoriesTHE LATE HOUR TASTE EXPERIENCE

  • Wrapper: Ecuador “” – Marron (Ecuador)
  • Binder: Negro San Andrés (Mexico)
  • Filler: San Vicente Mejorado Visus, Piloto Seco and Olor Visus () Estelí Visus and Condega Visus ()

To reflect the darkness during which Sir Winston was at his most creative, has selected a shiny and oily “” Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate colour. The two Nicaraguan filler tobaccos are grown in the mineral rich volcanic soils of Condega and Estelí adding spiciness and depth of character to the cigar. In particular, the Nicaraguan Condega Visus tobacco, cask aged in original Scotch single malt whisky casks, brings a mysterious sweetness and fervency of flavour. Together with the two different Dominican Visus filler tobaccos and the dark Mexican binder, the complexity of this full-bodied blend manifests itself in many beautiful, robust flavours and aromas, tantalizing the palate with varying layers of black pepper, dark coffee, sweetness, old leather, wood and spiciness. The character of Sir Winston in The could not have been translated better into a cigar blend.


  • Robusto: Ø 2.1 | RG 52 | 12.5 cm | 5“
  • : Ø 2.2 | RG 54 | 15.2 cm | 6“
  • Churchill: Ø 1.9 | RG 48 | 17.8 cm | 7“


Tobacco matured in Scotch single malt whisky casks greatly improves its sweetness and deep flavour. The blend contains Condega Visus tobacco. Those leaves are firmly pressed inside 10 casks, made of American white oak, which formerly held single malt Scotch single malt whisky from the Speyside region. As the temperature in the closed casks rises, the tobacco enters a fermentation process. After three months, the tobacco is rotated and aged an additional three months. The tobacco absorbs the aromas of the cask and whisky for a total of six months. Then, the tobacco is ready to be integrated into the blend that makes up – The .

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces Winston Churchill Late Hour + Accessories


When it comes to pairing the – The cigars, the chosen beverage should match with the leathery, woody and complex taste of the cigars. Ideally it would be a heavy and spicy rum that is not overly sweet or a whisky that is neither too peaty nor too smoky, but rich and complex in aromas and taste. Since one of the Nicaraguan Visus tobacco has been cask aged in finest Scotch single malt whisky casks from the Speyside region, the beverage needs to be rich and complex in taste to harmonize with the elaborate character of the – The cigars.


Unlike the other cigars, the cigars carry a second band. The cigars are already available in the popular formats Churchill, Robusto and , in 20-count wooden boxes, at selected Appointed Merchants in the US.

MSRP per cigar:

  • $ 17.50 USD Robusto MSRP
  • $ 19.10 USD  MSRP
  • $ 20.10 USD Churchill MSRP

Outside the US, the product will be launched globally in 20-count wooden boxes and 4-count packs in the Robusto and Churchill formats starting in autumn 2017. On the Swiss market, the formats Churchill, Robusto and will be available in 20-count wooden boxes and 4-count packs as of August 2nd, 2017.


is celebrating Sir , one of the world’s most iconic cigar aficionados and the ultimate British Statesman, with a new line of contemporary accessories

Following the relaunch of the Cigars in 2015, unveils a contemporary accessory line bearing the name of and inspired by one of the facets of the world’s most iconic cigar aficionado – his long serving role as a statesman.

“The aim was to craft a new range of contemporary accessories inspired by a key facet of the man himself – his statesmanship. Sir ‘s leadership role in British politics for over 55 years, as well as his well-known fondness for fine cigars and Scotch whisky, were a great source of inspiration for ‘s teams of designers and craftsmen. The attractive designs of this new range, as well as ‘s unparalleled technical expertise, will make the cigar ritual and the enjoyment of today’s discerning aficionado,” explained Charles Awad, Senior Vice President – Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger AG.

Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston’s great-grandson, added: “In the evenings, after dinner, when Sir Winston was having a good whisky, he’d light a cigar. He was passionately dedicated to his cigar ritual in great detail, and he mastered his skill to light up and fill his best and darkest days beautifully in exactly the same way.”


As a statesman, has led Britain and influenced the world’s history over the course of his illustrious career. wishes to celebrate this facet of his character with a contemporary and unexpected accessories line.

The Ambassador and Primos humidors that belong to this line reflect ‘s unique wit and daring spirit: bright and strong colours, unmissable and full of character.

The “Union Jack”

As a tribute to Sir , the British statesman, and his strong character, is introducing this intense design depicting the Union Jack on blue birch wood and reflecting the icon in a piece of marquetry made of a darker shade of tulip wood.

The “London”

As a statesman, London was Sir ‘s command centre and his strong impact on the city cannot be denied. From official statues to street art, the capital city of the United Kingdom is full of memorials and reminders of this powerful icon. Such a versatile city as London embodies the many facets of Sir and inspires the “London” design, showing the city landscape within the profile on a beige tulip wood.

The formats:


With a capacity for between 70 and 90 cigars, the sleek, linear Ambassador is created for cigar aficionados with a large assortment. The interior contains a tray, a removable basket and dividers that allow the cigars to be arranged.

  • Capacity: 70 – 90 cigars
  • 1 Slim regulator, 1 removable basket
  • Dimensions: 38.3 x 24 x 14.3 cm


With a capacity for between 25 – 35 cigars, the smaller Primos is perfect to build a first collection or as a second, compact humidor, ideal for the office or anywhere, to ensure your favourite cigars are always in the best condition for enjoyment.

  • Capacity: 25 – 35 cigars
  • 1 Slim regulator
  • Dimensions: 27.9 x 23.9 x 10.8 cm
  • Ambassador and Primos humidors are both available in two graphical styles as well as in the Union Jack and London designs.

The humidors are made by a French atelier that is part of the Living Heritage Company (Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant), a label known for the excellence of its traditional expertise. Both humidors are handmade and contain the Slim Regulator. regulators maintain a stable relative humidity level of 70% to 72%. These regulators are designed and crafted by Swiss engineers with a 2-way humidity system, to release or absorb humidity and guarantee a stable humidity level. The humidor interiors are made of okoumé, a wood from Gabon, on Africa’s west coast. Okoumé is odourless and tasteless, and ensures that no wood “flavours” are transferred to the cigars. It is also hand-varnished to seal in the humidity and prevent it from being absorbed by the wood.


Inspired by Sir Winston’s Churchill affection for cigars and whisky as he led Britain, each glass is fitted with a unique feature: two notches on the side of the glass to hold your cigar – a first in the cigar world. A nifty feature that leaves you a free hand to greet someone, share your latest cigar review on social media or simply post the perfect pairing picture. Moreover, the silhouette is discreetly sandblasted at the bottom of the crystal glass.

These are available in a set of two glasses – the perfect gift for every aficionado. These exclusive handcrafted cigar liquor glasses are made in Western Europe by highly skilled glass blowers working for a small atelier that has 120 years of glass making experience.

  • Dimensions: Ø 8 cm
  • Height: 9 cm


‘s celebrates the British Statesman with a Union Jack pattern in the design of this porcelain ash tray. These ashtrays are crafted in the tradition of the best porcelain in the French porcelain capital, Limoges, by a French atelier that is part of the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company), a label recognising the excellence of its traditional knowledge.

The icon is gold-treated, while hints of the Union Jack adorn the side of the ashtray in a mix of matte beige and brilliant gold. The ashtray has two slightly angled cigar notches to ensure the two cigars will not touch each other. Its large bottom holds a generous volume of ashes.
The porcelain ashtray inspired by Sir –The Statesman is a limited and numbered edition (only 115 pieces have been produced globally). Each ashtray is numbered by hand.

  • Dimensions: Ø 24 cm Height: 4 cm


The accessories line, inspired by Sir – The Statesman, will be launched globally starting in August 2017.

  • MSRP per “Union Jack” humidor: $ 2,050 USD
  • MSRP per “London” humidor: $ 2,050 USD (Ambassador), Primos: $1,550 USD
  • MSRP per whisky glass set: $ 95 USD
  • MSRP per ashtray: $ 390 USD