General Cigar announced a new line for the Hoyo de Monterrey brand today, Epicure Selección. Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Selección is three cigar collection honoring Honduras, the country that has been producing Hoyo cigars for 50 years. The design of the bands, boxes, and cigar itself celebrate the tradition of Honduran cigars and Honduran tobacco that began in the 1950s when the Villazon Cigar Factory was built.
The blend is a Honduran puro using Cuban seed wrapper, binder and filler tobaccos. The experience is described as medium-full with peppery and earthy notes, and striking complexity.
Ed Lahmann, Senior Brand Manager for Hoyo de Monterrey said, “Epicure Selección speaks to the legacy of Hoyo de Monterrey which is one of the first brands to have been made in Honduras, and one of the first to feature bold blends made with native Cuban seeds cultivated in Central America. The history of Hoyo de Monterrey was carved out by some of the most revered tobacco men that ever lived, and we honor their contributions to the handmade cigar category with this new collection.”
Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Selección comes in a cabinet of 20 cigars. The design of the cigar bands is ornate and somewhat old-world-inspired band. The three sizes are No.1 (5.6” x 46) $8.79 SRP per cigar, No.2 (4.9” x 50) $8.49 SRP per cigar, and Toro Especiale (6” x 50) $8.99 SRP per cigar. The cigar is rolled at the HATSA Factory in Danlí Honduras and is shipping now to retailers.