Just in time for the ProCigar festival, Quesada cigars has announced a new line, the Quesada 1974. 1974 was the first year Quesada started rolling cigars. The blend uses an Ecuadorian wrapper, Dominican binder, and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers.
Over the weekend, the warehouse for Casa Cuevas Cigars suffered a burglary. According to a press release, the entire inventory of cigars was stolen. Miami Dade Police has begun the initial investigation into the matter.
General Cigar announced today the release of a new Cohiba line, Cohiba Connecticut. They are listing it as a "super-premium" cigar and is the first Cohiba to have a Connecticut Shade wrapped blend.
On February 6th, 2019, David Lafferty was named the future Vice President of Sales at Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust (DTT).
Jas Sum Kral is now being distributed in Germany. After a delayed process the agreement between Jas Sum Kral officially and importer and distribution partner CigarConsult International is completed. CigarConsult is led by Maximilian Gottwald based out of Muenster, Germany. Initial launch will include the Red Knight series in the following vitolas.
Mombacho Cigars, S.A. announced today the restructuring of their marketing department which includes the departure of Brand Manager Rob Rasmussen. They called it a joint decision, effective February 11, 2019. Mombacho's marketing will now be head by Jaxsears Inc., lead by Jaclyn Sears formerly of Drew Estate and Caldwell Cigar Company.
Today Drew Estate announced a smaller version of the ACID and Tabak Especial “Frenchies.” These small cigars will first be shown at the Tobacco Plus Expo (TPE) held in Las Vegas on Feb 11-13th.
Royal Agio cigars announced today the addition of two new lines to the San Pedro de Macorís brand: Nicaragua and Sun Grown. San Pedro de Macorís is a value based line with prices in the $5 range. These new lines will be shown off at the 2019 TPE (Tobacco Products Expo).
Alec Bradley announced today that this years version of the Black Markey Filthy Hooligan, it's sixth, will have a tripple barber pole style. The cigar started off in its original form as an all-candela wrapper cigar, the became candela/maduro barber pole, now is candella/habano maduro/Jalapa barber pole.
Aganorsa Leaf Habano, formerly known as the Aganorsa Leaf Tabsa Habano, is now shipping with updated packaging and bands. The redesign reflects updated designs for the Corojo, Maduro, and Connecticut lines of the Aganorsa Leaf series which were repackaged last year.