"Probably one the best cigars that I've had this year. I was totally engaged with the flavor profile changes and the richness of the notes the entire time. The smoke output was amazing with a creamy lingering smoke on the palate. It smokes special and even at a higher price, it would be worth having a few on hand for the right occasion. " -Alan (Eulogy)
Davidoff has announced a new line in the AVO Syncro series, AVO Syncro Caribe. This is the first new cigar in the line since the AVO Syncro South America Ritmo in 2017. Previous releases include 2016's Syncro Nicaragua Fogata, and the original AVO Syncro Nicaragua.
Davidoff Cigars has announced a new Davidoff Winston Churchill collection and a limited edition Toro cigar honoring the man behind the name. The Winston Churchill brand was relaunched in 2014, and has seen unprecedented success in global markets. The brand has two lines "The Original Collection" and "The Late Hour." The Original Collection is a milder and creamier daytime blend while The Late Hour is more robust. The cigars and accessories will be available February 2021 with launch dates depending on country.
Davidoff Cigars has announced a new cigar exclusive to BLEND Bar, dubbed "BLEND Exclusive Salomones." The cigar measures 8.5 x 57, making it one of the largest Davidoff cigars ever made. It is available only at BLEND locations. The two companies have a five years long partnership going and the cigar is rolled by a select few of the most talented rollers at Davidoff Cigars. The concept of BLEND originated in Indianapolis, IN during 2013 and expanded to Nashville, TN, Pittsburgh, PA and The Woodlands, TX. In October 2015, BLEND announced a strategic partnership with Davidoff of Geneva USA. The partnership is the first and only one of its kind in the United States incorporating the “Davidoff of Geneva – since 1911” look and feel. Patrons of BLEND locations are offered premium cigars, spirits and wines in a social-friendly nightclub environment featuring exquisite design and furnishings and state-of-the-art ventilation systems which exchange lounge air every six minutes.
Davidoff announced today a new cigar, the Limited Edition "Special 53 - Capa Dominicana." This is actually the return of a cigar originally released in 2002. The cigar itself is a unique 53 ring-gauge perfecto that contains tobacco all grown in the Dominican Republic. In 2002, it was believed impossible to grow wrapper leaf in the Dominican Republic.
"What started out as a phenomenal cigar faded quickly to bitter then harsh. There was such a great sweetness and fruit profile at the beginning I settled in to what I thought was going to be an epic cigar. Instead, the cigar turned dry and earthy with heavy ground coffee and wood notes on the finish. I will be curious to find out what this cigar is and determine if I just got the "one off" from the floor that was just not great, or if this is a common profile of the cigar." -Kevin A. (Kevin A.)
AllAVOBlind Cigar ReviewsDavidoffDominican RepublicDouble CoronaEladio DiazFeaturedHabanoHendrik Kelner
·"This would not be my typical choice for smoking. Even though I may smoke a couple of cigars in succession, and therefore spend several hours herfing, I tend to like to switch up flavor experiences by smoking more than one type of cigar. For a cigar of this size, I found it to be more enjoyable than I would have originally expected. There were moments of monotony but not enough for me to want to be done. The mix of flavor notes, although not overly complex, provided enough variety that I enjoyed it more than not. Make sure to have time for this cigar and pair it with something that accentuates the flavor profile such as a nice hearty bourbon and even while eating a nice piece of red meat. Red wine would also be complimentary." -Diana (ArmyRN)
Davidoff has announced the Davidoff Tampa Exclusive Edition which is now available at Davidoff of Geneva in Tampa and some other Davidoff stores around the country. The exclusive cigar comes just in time for the Super Bowl being held in the city this year. The cigar itself is a Perfecto shape, meant to resemble the shape of a football. The box is decorated with the Tampa skyline Raymond James Stadium where that game will be played. Only 500 boxes of this limited edition will be sold.
Davidoff has announced the return of the Robusto Intenso, a cigar that originally came out as a 2005 Limited Edition.
You get what you pay for here. A unique experience with clean defined flavors that were perfectly well balanced throughout the entirety of the duration of this ultra premium cigar. Complexity is unmatched to any cigar I’ve ever had making this smoke a dream. Construction and draw were phenomenal however this particular sample had some issues with the burn line until the second half where it caught up. Because of the fullness and richness of this medium to medium full bodied smoke, it is not something you’ll reach for (providing you have the available funds) everyday. This cigar is meant for those special occasions when you want something that screams quality in terms of very rich flavor that is defined, unique and unmatched to any other stick. Whilst not my sweet spot for flavor profiles, as it was a tad too sweet for me, this definitely goes into my top echelon of cigars I have ever enjoyed.