Cigar Info Nicaragua has a rich and complex history. I remember growing up in the USA and frequently hearing about...
"This cigar was on the stronger side of medium and delivered some solid flavors. There was a nice mix of natural sweetness with the cedar and nutmeg while coffee and oak added a richness to the profile. The middle was a little lacking once the coffee disappeared, but the remaining flavors were still good. I would definitely smoke this one again." -Gregg (McGreggor57)
The cigar had excellent flavor until the wrapper unraveled. This caused most of the flavor to leave for the last third. Prior to this issue, the flavors were very enjoyable, with enough transitions to keep me interested. I'm looking forward to finding out what this cigar is as it is definitely worth at least a 5 pack purchase. I think it has lots of aging potential as well." -Dan (Danfish)