There's almost a sneaky level of nicotine that keeps building slowly the entire time. It wasn't enough to make me dizzy but I could feel that warm sensation in my stomach. The burn was pretty good but it was slightly wavy the entire time but I didn't need to touch up or relight it at any point so it had that going for it. The draw was snug but the smoke output was ample and had a creamy mouthfeel. There's not a crazy amount of flavors that will keep you guessing but the experience that it provides is very solid and almost the classic Nicaraguan experience I look for in this style.
"Overall this was a very nice cigar. The appearance was great. I enjoyed the nice spice throughout and the overall creaminess and then the slight char flavors at the end." -Wes (SosaCub4Life)
I think this is the best of the shotgun shell series. The profile changes throughout kept it super engaging and I was always trying to figure out the flavors that were coming through. The burn was very sharp, the smoke output was great but I would have liked a slightly chewier smoke, and how slow it burned was super impressive. Like a lot of Viaje exclusives they're hard to find but this one is certainly worth seeking out.
I was impressed with how cool this burned through out. Probably due to the top notch construction and the shape was a bit of a conversation starter. The flavors were clean, although very peppery, and it ended a little stronger in strength than I usually enjoy. Great short smoke on a cold day or if you're in the mood for something a little on the stronger side of strength.
Overall, it does what you expect from a great cigar. Profile changes, solid flavors throughout, great smoke output, solid draw, and rich creamy smoke. The burn was spot on throughout requiring no touch ups or relights. The construction was top notch from the appearance of the wrapper, solid feel, tight strong ash, and perfect draw. It's a surprisingly long smoke for its size too, taking me a little over two hours. Certainly worth picking up a few if you can find them.
"This was a nice full flavored and full bodied cigar. The nicotine punch would cause me to hesitate before offering it to an inexperienced smoker, but I would gladly pick up another!" -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
Adam B.AllAndre FarkasArsenio RamosBlind Cigar ReviewsCorojoDaveFeaturedIPCPRKentNaturalNicaraguaSandeepToroViaje
·"Very good cigar with a good amount of complexity with all the flavors marrying well and no issues with the burn or construction. Will definitely try again." -Sandeep (Djangos)