Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches
Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches
Cigar News: Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

Basel, January 2015. Cigars, the globally renowned cigar brand ventures into a new era. Cigars is being relaunched in early 2015 behind contemporary packaging, new communication and a streamlined range that focuses on core lines.

Cigars started when the brand’s founder; Uvezian; a legendary jazz and cigar composer of global fame met the cigar master blender in 1982 in the . A fruitful cooperation between cigar pianist and cigar composer began to develop which resulted in the launch of the Classic Series; an almost immediate success selling over 120,000 cigars in the year of the launch in the United States.

Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches
Cigar News: Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

Two creative masters collaborated with one purpose: help aficionados “Savor Every Note” in life through delightful cigars.

Uvezian is a man of the world who savors every note to the fullest. He cherishes every moment in life with passion and shows insatiable thirst for connections with people from all walks of life. Cigars enables rich and rewarding social sharing experiences: helping drive connections amongst aficionados and turning strangers into friends in a heartbeat.” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing and Innovation.

Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches
Cigar News: Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

The spirit of “SAVOR EVERY NOTE” It is not just about the taste and the experience, it is about complete involvement and enjoyment of each moment in life. It is the song of conversation and the music of memories. The beat of life shared with friends.

“I am delighted to share this new era of Cigars with more and more aficionados around the globe. cigars are ready to give the performance of a lifetime. It’s about the richness of the life you live, the friends you share it with, and the unforgettable experiences along the way. It’s about savoring every note.” says Uvezian.

Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches
Cigar News: Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

The portfolio has been streamlined to focus on its four celebrated core lines, Classic, XO, Domaine and Heritage. Classic, the most popular cigar line today in the range, is a complex, yet smooth cigar, crafted with tobaccos aged 25 years. Mr Kelner sets aside filler leaves every year for the past 25 years. Since its launch in 1988, this cigar line has delighted aficionados through its creamy taste notes and complex yet balanced blend.

The brand is presenting completely redesigned boxes and packs reflecting a more contemporary look while cigars are adorned with simplified rings. The elegantly modern wooden box design displays the logo on the lid, flanked with music bars featuring authentic debossed notes from Uvezian’s songs. The lid’s interior tells the story of the cigar’s blend, its purpose, and highlights the cigar’s tasting notes with a quote from Uvezian. It is finished with an intensity meter, developed from scaling musical notes, that allows consumers to easily select the perfect cigar for that moment.

Cigar News: AVO Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches
Cigar News: Cigars Rebrands and Relaunches

Cigars will be price protected and begin shipping to select retail locations in late January 2015. In Europe, the launch will vary based on country, beginning in the middle of 2015.