Cigar News: Davidoff Announces AVO Improvisation 30 Years

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces AVO Improvisation 30 Years

Cigar News: Davidoff Announces AVO Improvisation 30 Years AVO Cigars is celebrating its 30th Anniversary with a special cigar: the AVO Improvisation 30 Years. This is the sixth release of the Improvisation line. This is the first of a multi-part series of limited edition cigars based on this anniversary. Total production for this release is 3,400 boxes. Each box contains 25 cigars and are based on the blend of AVO Classic No. 3. The wrapper is the same Ecuadorian , but the binder has been switched to Dominican and filler has been altered.


Cigar News: Davidoff Announces AVO Improvisation 30 Years The AVO AVO Improvisation 30 Years will be available March 22nd 2018 in the US and European and other markets June 2018.