Cigar News: Davidoff Refreshes Zino Brand

Cigar News: Davidoff Refreshes Zino Brand

Oettinger AG is giving its brand of premium cigars a refresh with a new slogan: Live life from A to . The refresh comes with a new line and blend as well, simply called . This new line is described as “pronounced Central-American taste profile at an attractive price point.”

The new brand is inspired by people who celebrate a lifestyle and state of mind driven by experiences, open-mindedness and an unwavering curiosity. himself was a restless pioneer of the tobacco world and, when he set out to learn and gather experiences around the globe, he was only 19 years young. While creating the new cigar brand, we aimed to suit ‘s sense of discovery and spirit to live in the moment, and are very excited about the result. The blend of the new Cigars is sure to please those who look for earthy taste profiles with spices and some sweetness.

Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger AG
Cigar News: Davidoff Refreshes Zino Brand

The comes in three sizes: Short Torpedo 4 x 52, Robusto 5 x 54, and 6 x 50. All sizes share the same blend which uses and Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Honduras, and the filler tobacco. It is described as medium-bodied. comes in boxes of 25 as well as 4-count freshpacks. Pricing has not been announced but expect to be a more affordable cost. The new line will launch May 2021.