Contest: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year Anniversary - 10 pack giveaway
Contest: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year Anniversary - 10 pack giveaway

Contest: Blind Man’s Puff 1 Year Anniversary – 10 pack giveaway

Contest: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year Anniversary - 10 pack giveaway
: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year – 10 pack

Today, Blind Man's Puff turns 1 year old. We would like to thank all of the cigar manufacturers, brand reps, distributors, podcasters and bloggers that have shown us tremendous support during this sites infancy. We really enjoy working with all of you and look forward to continuing our current partnerships and creating new ones in the future. As all of you have done, we are always here to help you in any way we can.

Emmett and I would also like to thank all of the reviewers that have participated here. To publish reviews in the format that we do, it really takes a team to make it happen. We know that we can be pushy at times checking on when we can expect your review to make it in and we appreciate you always coming through. We will continue to strive to send you great cigars to smoke even though you wont know what they were until they get revealed on the site. Again, a huge thank you.

Last, but certainly not least, we'd like to thank all of you, the readers. Without you, this would just be a private smoking club. We hope that you feel as though you've been invited into our club and can experience these cigars with us. Our goal is to help you find a cigar that you wouldn't have reached for before because of a feeling, something you heard or whatever reason may have kept you from trying it. We also hope that you've found at least one reviewer on this site whose palate is similar to yours and can help you determine if something they reviewed is something you should try.

We love your communication as well, whether it be via email, the social media sites or commenting on posts here. Please keep telling us what you like and don't like about the site. Tell us what you want to see us review.

Contest: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year Anniversary - 10 pack giveaway
: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year – 10 pack

With that said, we're also going to thank you with a cigar of 10 of our favorite cigars over the last year. Our reviewer Jason D. has graciously donated a 10 pack of cigars to be given away for this event. Most of these are cigars that we have reviewed, and definitely ones we have enjoyed, click on the links to view the reviews. The cigars in the 10 pack are:

Enter Here

We're giving you multiple ways to enter, so take advantage of all of them and give yourself the best shot at winning. All of the entry methods are covered by the rafflecopter box below. All you have to do is tell us your favorite review from the last year. Was it surprising? Or did it make you want to buy something?  ends 11:59 MST 2/28/14.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

: Blind Man's Puff 1 Year – 10 pack