Ezra Zion Cigar Company has acquired Cigar Federation Tobacos, Cigar Federation Store, and re-acquired the Cigar Federation community. “This is a major step for us as a company, one that brings us full circle back to our CigFed roots. As the original founders of Cigar Federation, it’s a really cool homecoming.” stated Ezra Zion co-owner Kyle Hoover. This acquisition will compliment Ezra Zion Cigar Company’s other recent addition, a regional North Texas distribution company, TX Distribution.
January 19, 2016 — Black Label Trading Company is pleased to announce the upcoming release of J. W. MARSHALL: Hand crafted in Esteli, Nicaragua at Fabrica Oveja Negra.
Black Label Trading Co. is releasing the J.W. Marshall, a cigar exclusive for Cigar Federation, on January 24, 2016.
"I quite enjoyed this cigar. There's a fair amount of complexity and strength to this medium bodied woody cigar. I'd pick up a box or a five pack (depending on price)." -Jonathan (Toasted Foot)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCollaboration ReviewCubanacanFeaturedHabanoNaturalNicaraguaOmar González AlemánRobertToro
·"Overall, this was a real nice cigar. I really liked the balance of the natural tobacco and cocoa flavors as both had a nice synergy throughout the cigar. The medium to full strength and body of this cigar really worked well with this flavor profile. This is definitely a cigar I would smoke again - and it's certainly worthy of a box split." -Will (Cigar-Coop)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCollaboration ReviewConnecticut BroadleafFeaturedMaduroNicaraguaRocky PatelRocky PatelSandeepToro
·"This is an exceptionally fine cigar. The complexity and balance of flavor was amazing. The transitions seemed to be constant, although many of them were small. I truly can't think of anything that would have made this cigar better." -Rob (Cigar Federation)
January 24th, 2016 — Black Label Trading Company (BLTC) is pleased to announce the upcoming release of J. W. MARSHALL: Hand crafted in Esteli, Nicaragua at Fabrica Oveja Negra.
Black Label Trading Co. is releasing the J.W. Marshall, a cigar exclusive for Cigar Federation, today on January 24, 2016.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCollaboration ReviewCorojoDean ParsonsDominican RepublicDouble CoronaEpicFeaturedRobert
·"This smoke was right in my flavor wheelhouse. I enjoyed the mild and creamy start more than the darker finish, and the mid point was a perfect balance of the two. The cigar evolved enough to keep me interested, though never straying too far from its core flavor base. There was also a satisfying amount of flavorful smoke on each puff, not requiring double puffs, which was very much appreciated - would not hesitate to smoke another." -Jordan (Cigar Dojo)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsChris KellyCollaboration ReviewCraigFeaturedKyle HooverMexican San AndresPaulRonToroUSAWes
·"Overall, this was a great cigar. It had a perfect mix of flavors throughout. Lots of great spice all the way through. Had a nice creamy flavor with some sweetness that perfectly balanced out the great spice. I would smoke this again in a heartbeat." -Wes (SosaCub4Life)
AllArsenio RamosBlind Cigar ReviewsCollaboration ReviewEmmettFeaturedMexican San AndresNicaraguaSindicatoToro
·"This was a very enjoyable smoke. While it wasn't the best burn or draw, the solid flavors made up for it. It wasn't extremely complex but the flavors were good enough to make it worth while. I would definitely smoke this again." -Emmett (rhetorik)
AllArsenio RamosBlind Cigar ReviewsCasa FernandezCollaboration ReviewCorojoEduardo FernandezFeaturedIPCPRJason H.NaturalRobertRonToroUSA
·"The cigar did have some nice flavors, but didn't have a lot of pop to it. It was gentle enough on the palate to make for a pleasant mid-morning smoke." -Ron (shuckins)