"Overall, a very good cigar. With such a long cigar as this (roughly 7 inches and 48 ring gauge), the cigar did what I expected; start off with a core set of delicious, well balanced flavors (black pepper, leather, cedar, sweet cream, burnt bread) and build on them as the cigar progressed. I do wish the last third gave either an increase in body and/or more flavors (like the burnt bread starting from the second third). If this was the case, the cigar would have been bumped up to an excellent cigar. I would smoke this again but will pass on purchasing any." -Jiunn (jliu)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCollaboration ReviewDominican RepublicEmmettFeaturedNaturalPerfectoSumatraTotal Flame
·"Wouldn't seek out this one again, but a good cigar all-around. Decent flavors, good construction & unique size. Very "middle of the road" in nearly every aspect, but that's not a bad thing." -Matt (Cigar Memoir)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsChurchillCollaboration ReviewCubanacanDominican RepublicFeaturedLa Gloria CubanaNaturalOmar González AlemánRobertRonSumatra
·"The flavors were enjoyable, strength within reason and construction was spot-on. What more could one person ask for in a cigar? It might not have been deadnuts center of my wheelhouse in terms of the flavors, but they were quite enjoyable nonetheless. I really liked this cigar." -Kip (Half Ashed)
This year, we decided to give you a tour of the show through the pictures we took while we were there. Some are of new items, and some are just things we thought were interesting. These manufacturers were not sharing booth space, we just combined them into a single slideshow due to the number of pictures we had from each.