"It is a great cigar with near-flawless construction, great draw and smoke output, and rich flavors. The only thing really holding it back for me is the lack of transitions in the profile. This was a very large cigar and a very long smoke time caused it to become a bit monotonous. " -Alan (Eulogy)
"Really nice flavor package. The only thing that keeps me from sending the ratings to the top of the scale is the overall dryness of the smoke, the unbalanced pepper on the retrohale, and the draw that was to the loose side of perfect. But all things considered those deductions are a bit nitpicky. I’ll definitely be buying more of this." -Bill C. (Bill)
"This cigar was very enjoyable IF you take your time. Because of the looser draw, some cadence is required so it didn’t overheat and throw off flavors into the mix. Overall, the wonderful first and second third with a medium-bodied profile with various leather, earth, and peppery tobacco flavors as well as a myriad of other nuances that showed up. Getting into the last third was a bit difficult for me as this cigar started to turn full body mode and required a bit of constitution to finish. If you’re looking for some delicious excitement with a slap your mama in the face ending, this cigar might be just for you!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
"Getting a new experience like how this cigar began, can obviously be good or bad and in this case, it was great. At first, I was a bit bummed that it shifted to a traditional profile, but that was a perfect way to transition to something I love for the end. Between the tingle, coffee, and smoky heat, this was quite a treat." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
AllAVOBlind Cigar ReviewsDavidoffDominican RepublicDouble CoronaEladio DiazFeaturedHabanoHendrik Kelner
·"This would not be my typical choice for smoking. Even though I may smoke a couple of cigars in succession, and therefore spend several hours herfing, I tend to like to switch up flavor experiences by smoking more than one type of cigar. For a cigar of this size, I found it to be more enjoyable than I would have originally expected. There were moments of monotony but not enough for me to want to be done. The mix of flavor notes, although not overly complex, provided enough variety that I enjoyed it more than not. Make sure to have time for this cigar and pair it with something that accentuates the flavor profile such as a nice hearty bourbon and even while eating a nice piece of red meat. Red wine would also be complimentary." -Diana (ArmyRN)
"I lit this cigar up shortly after dinner and it hit just the right notes for a quality dessert cigar. If that Snickers profile came out anymore while smoking, I'd have been overjoyed. Either way, this is a cigar worth checking out and I would definitely smoke it again." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
Alan RubinAlec & BradleyAlec BradleyAlec RubinAllBlind Cigar ReviewsBradley RubinFeaturedHabanoHondurasRobusto
·"After initial inspection I wasn’t sure what to expect, however, this cigar smoked fantastically and produced delicious flavors. From pre-light draw to last puff, the cigar performed above expectations and had great smoke output. Not exactly my cup of tea as it was a little sweeter than I prefer, but I would gladly smoke another. Fantastic smoke if you have under an hour. Nub was the best part. Puff slowly and enjoy the end my friends." -Adam B. (Bushboi)
"This was a rich earthy coffee cigar with side flavor notes or cabinet spice, cherry stone fruit, and nutty flavor. The cigar has a strong mouthfeel that coats the palate. Huge smoke bomb of a cigar producing a ton of smoke. Retrohale was at first super spicy red pepper and cinnamon and then calms down towards the end of the smoke." -Chad M. (Chad Tchad)
"This was a very pleasant cigar to smoke. It eased me into the experience with soft and pleasant flavors then ramped up to the fuller bodied and flavored cigar I prefer. I would gladly smoke this often and would happily recommend it to a friend." -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
"I have to say, that personally, this cigar hit every high note. All flavor notes were balanced and complimented each well. The size might intimidate some but if they give it a shot they will be pleasantly surprised like I was. I really hope that people give this cigar a chance. I will for sure be seeking this out once I know what it is. " -Estevan Z. (TheRealBanzi)