Davidoff of Geneva announce the launch of the Madison Ave 30th Anniversary. A cigar that has been specially crafted to celebrate a successful milestone and exhibit the excitement of New York City.
Davidoff Master Blenders have created an exceptional cigar to commemorate 30 successful years on Madison Avenue in New York City. Henke Kelner and Eladio Diaz both have had the opportunity to meet many of those who influence their work, and clients who share similar if not equal passion for the craft of a beautifully blended cigar. “I remember having met many interesting people at this store. Many years ago, I would do cigar rolling demonstrations on numerous occasions. That store
always draws in some incredible personalities and cigar aficionados interested in what is next,” explained Eladio Diaz. “Any time I am in New York, the Madison Avenue store is my first stop. Over the years I have made many friends here, both at events and simply enjoying a cigar in the lounge with some guests,” explained Henke Kelner.
Using specially aged tobaccos to craft a truly unique flavor experience, thic cigar is available in a Toro vitola. Davidoff describes the flavors as roasted nuts, ginger spice, leather, creamy coffee and notes of vanilla, with mesmerizing aroma of almonds, hazelnut and wood spice. Only 600 boxes produced, and only available at Davidoff of Geneva Flagship stores and online at Davidoffgeneva.com in late October.
Cigar Details-
Name: Davidoff Madison Avenue 30th Anniversary
Wrapper: Dominican Republic
Binder: Habano 2000 Ecuador
Filler: San Vicente Mejorado Visus/Visus Yamasa/Piloto Seco/Ligero/Jicome/Visus Damajagua
Vitola: Toro (6×52)
Price: $26.00/ea or $260.00/box of 10
Davidoff of Geneva celebrate 30 successful years on Madison Avenue in New York City. Davidoff is proud to celebrate 3 decades of business and building relationships in such a great city.
To celebrate this anniversary, the Davidoff of Geneva Madison Avenue store will host an intimate event with limited tickets available. A special pairing with The Dalmore, Davidoff Master Blender Henke Kelner will also be in attendance to join in the festivities. This event will be the first opportunity to try out the cigar and discuss with the blender. For tickets to this event, patrons can contact the Madison Avenue store (212)751-9060