June 2017 – Ventura Cigar Company is pleased to announce the acquisition of Cuban Cigar Factory, a boutique, craft cigar business based out of San Diego, CA. The family-run Cuban Cigar Factory has been creating exceptional products for over 20 years, hand-making their cigars with unique blends that have made them local favorites.
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"Overall I really enjoyed this cigar. Some great flavor notes throughout that changed up enough to keep me interested. For me this cigar was a little on the mild side and I would not want to smoke it outside of my first cigar of the day." -Zane G. (Zane)
Adam B.AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicFeaturedHabanoIPCPRJohn I.KentMatthew T.Mickey T.NaturalRobustoVentura Cigars
·“This is a cigar that I would gladly smoke again. While the flavors may not have gone through a roller coaster of transitions, they were consistent and well balanced. The retrohale was not bitter or harsh, and really complimented the flavors on the palate. It burned well and produced great smoke. I look forward to finding out about this cigar.” –Matthew T. (A Huge Nerd)
November 2016 – Inviting cigar aficionados to “Reach into the Dark to Find the Light,” Ventura Cigar is pleased to reveal PSyKo Seven Connecticut, the third blend in its much-admired PSyKo Seven Collection.
Ventura Cigar Showed off three new lines at this year's IPCPR show: Archetype Series A, Archetype Series B, and Case Study.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 — Ventura Cigar is ready to stun the senses of the cigar world again with the launch of its new super-premium cigar line, Archetype, which will debut at the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers (IPCPR) trade show in Las Vegas on July 25th, 2016. Archetype continues the Ventura Cigar tradition with a full line of five (5) highly-complex, yet perfectly balanced cigar blends. Each vitola is artfully crafted with a unique blend of rich, flavorful tobaccos carefully bound in a pristine wrapper—and features stunning visual imagery of the “hero’s journey” mythology on the boxes and bands—all working in harmony to create a mesmerizing visual and taste experience.
From June 1st -19th, Phillips & King International and its family of brands, Ventura Cigar Company, 4th Generation and Comoy’s Pipe Tobacco, will partner together with brick and mortar shops across the U.S. for a series of special “Fathers, Friends and Fire” tasting events. “These events will give pipe and cigar enthusiasts an opportunity to gather and share fellowship while getting a chance to taste some very special premium cigars and pipe tobaccos,” says Phillips & King CMO Jason Carignan.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDanDominican RepublicFeaturedGreggHendrik KelnerMexican San AndresRobustoStefanSteveVentura CigarsWes
·"This cigar was very good considering the deficiencies that it produced. A very nice pepper and leather flavor profile came through and the strength was very maduro-esque. A little time to develop should help these grow into a delightful cigar." -Steve (ThaGreatWazoo)
This year, we decided to give you a tour of the show through the pictures we took while we were there. Some are of new items, and some are just things we thought were interesting. We will have a new slideshow for each major manufacturer and one big one for the smaller manufacturers.
The new size will measure 5 1/2 inches by 46 ring, and be made with the same blend as the original line: a mix of tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Honduras, the United States and Nicaragua.