"I thought this was a great cigar. I enjoyed the bigger ring gage on this cigar, It had a great feel in your hand. I felt this cigar smoked just liked it smelled. It was very wood heavy with a honey sweetness. It was on the milder side on strength but I feel that even someone who leans to a stronger cigar would enjoy this cigar." -Jake P. (Jake P.)
Davidoff Cigars announce today the beginning of a new online consumer seminar program. The program will feature Brand Ambassadors Klaas Kelner and Jeff Stone. This comes as a response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and having to pause in-person events as a way to provide cigar experiences without leaving the house.
Today, Davidoff announced six new releases for 2020 for their AVO and Camacho brands. AVO will release three new cigars: Avo Improvisation Series 2020, Avo Classic Maduro, and North & South Regional Editions. Camacho will also release three new cigars: Liberty Series 2020, Camacho Nicaragua, and Bold 5ive Assortment.
Davidoff is expanding in the Hong Kong market with a brand new Flagship Store at The Peninsula. As a part of the opening, they are also releasing a commemorative cigar called PENINSULA 2020. The new 1,070 sq.ft Flagship Store at Mezzanine Floor ML10 of the historical building in Kowloon is 76% bigger than the original 607 sq.ft store at Ground Floor L9.
You get what you pay for here. A unique experience with clean defined flavors that were perfectly well balanced throughout the entirety of the duration of this ultra premium cigar. Complexity is unmatched to any cigar I’ve ever had making this smoke a dream. Construction and draw were phenomenal however this particular sample had some issues with the burn line until the second half where it caught up. Because of the fullness and richness of this medium to medium full bodied smoke, it is not something you’ll reach for (providing you have the available funds) everyday. This cigar is meant for those special occasions when you want something that screams quality in terms of very rich flavor that is defined, unique and unmatched to any other stick. Whilst not my sweet spot for flavor profiles, as it was a tad too sweet for me, this definitely goes into my top echelon of cigars I have ever enjoyed.
Davidoff announced today a new cigar, the Limited Edition "Special 53 - Capa Dominicana." This is actually the return of a cigar originally released in 2002. The cigar itself is a unique 53 ring-gauge perfecto that contains tobacco all grown in the Dominican Republic. In 2002, it was believed impossible to grow wrapper leaf in the Dominican Republic.
Davidoff Cigars has announced two new travel humidors to get ready for the summer season: Outdoor 2020 and Explorer 2020. Davidoff partnered with Italian designer and craftsman Marcello Bottino for his exacting technological design standards. The new humidors use lightweight materials, and have a smart tray designed exclusively for keeping cigars protected. They also use innovative welding techniques of fabrics engineered to lock in humidity. The new Davidoff travel humidors use a 2-way humidity device by Boveda to keep cigars fresh for 45 days. Both will go on sale in April.
Davidoff announced today a new Masterpiece Humidor in honor of the "Year of the Rat" to be auctioned off for charity at Procigar 2020. There is only one humidor in existance, and it contains a Master Blender’s selection of 88 limited edition Toro "Year of the Rat" cigars.
Today, the four largest cigar companies in America announced that they will not be attending the PCA (formerly IPCPR) trade show this year. Altadis, General, Davidoff, and Drew Estate each released separate press releases but the general consensus is that they are unhappy with the declining attendance, lack of cooperation with members to make changes to the organization, and rising costs. The linchpin for this action new seems to have been the general unrest around last year's poorly executed announcement of Consumer Day, which has since been cancelled.
Davidoff has announced a new retail location at the new Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, FL. The hotel known for its 450-foot tall signature guitar-shaped hotel, plans to open the latest Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 boutique in its retail promenade
in January 2020. Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 partnered with Eric Douglas of Bol Hospitality to bring the cigar experience to life with bespoke offers and unrivaled retail experiences.