I always look forward to the anniversary cigars from Miami Cigar. From the 25th anniversary of the company to celebrating Nestors 70th anniversary to the 75th I just smoked. The packaging on these are always stellar and cool to keep around. The humidor from the 25th is still one of my favorite pieces and tho only desktop humidor I still utilize. I often find myself attracted to buying Salomon size cigars and never find time to smoke them. I was excited to finally sit down and spend 2 hours and 40 minutes with this cigar. It was well constructed and only required a few burn corrections throughout and the draw after the first few puffs opened up and had just right amount of resistance. The flavors profile while fairly consistent in each third would constantly alternate between flavors. One moment I would get the sweetness strong and in your face and it would then switch to coffee etc. Making it a very interesting smoke. Highly recommend this cigar and hope to pick up more.
his year, we decided to give you a tour of the show through the pictures we took while we were there. Some are of new items, and some are just things we thought were interesting. These manufacturers were not sharing booth space, we just combined them into a single slideshow due to the number of pictures we had from each.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCorojoDerekDon Pepin GarciaEricFeaturedIPCPRJeffLa AuroraMatt H.NaturalNestor MirandaNicaraguaRobusto
·"Even though this cigar was a mild/medium taste, the woody flavors had a nice balance throughout. There were flavors of oak and cherry wood with a nice campfire aroma coming from the smoke. The after-taste was not over powering and left a nice taste behind. Even though a bitter flavor showed, it did not come until almost at the end. Overall I am very pleased and would love to enjoy this one again." -Eric (smalls29)