Artista Cigars rolls out two line extensions and a new value cigar, Art-56, enriching their portfolio and offering distinct experiences for aficionados.
"This cigar surprised me since there weren't any real aromas coming off of it before setting it ablaze. The cigar gave me plenty of cream, nuts, coffee, and chocolate. The big surprise/winner here was the crackerjack flavors I got on the's subtle but it's there. The second half of this cigar opened up with a bit more earth and dirt flavors, but it never got harsh or hindered the cigar in any way. I am very curious to see what this is. I would definitely pick up a fiver and retry it again before committing to a full box purchase. Give it a go, and see if you get the crackerjack too." -Mickey T. (irratebass)
El Artista has been making the Big Papi cigar line since 2016. In 2019, they added a line extension called "The Slugger which was a new, fuller-bodied blend, but it only came in one size, a 6 x 60 Gordo. Now, the company is releasing that same blend in a 5 x 50 format.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicDouble ToroEl ArtistaFeaturedIPCPRJuan PeñaMaduroMexican San Andres
·"My first impressions were negative due to the size of the cigar. Eliminating my bias towards that was easy once I started smoking the cigar. It really was a pleasant and long experience. This is still not necessarily going to be a first choice smoke for me but I can say it was flavorful enough all the way through to work for a niche smoke at the right time for me. Well constructed and good looking, I’d revisit this cigar again." -Diana (ArmyRN)
El Artista has announced a new line that will debut at the IPCPR trade show this week. There are three versions of the cigar, and only two are going to the USA. The Maduro and Connecticut versions will be making to the USA with the Maduro using a San Andres wrapper and the other a Connecticut Shade. The binder for both is a rare Negrito leaf grown by El Artista on their farms around Tamboril. The fillers are a multiple coulty blend including a T-13 Hybrid developed by Radhames Rodriguez.
Artista Cigars, now formerly El Artista Cigars, has announced a full rebranding of the company and new lines for PCA 2022 this week.
El Artista Cigars has announced a new distribution agreement with Star Cigar & Spirits to have their cigars available in Sweden. El Artista Cigars brands will be available for purchase at Swedish Retailers by the end of September 2021.
El Artista has announced the third blend in the Buffalo TEN series, Buffalo TEN Connecticut. The original Buffalo TEN was...
Adam B.AlanAllBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicEl ArtistaEricFeaturedMaduroMexican San AndresSteveToro
·"This cigar was enjoyable to say the least. Flavors did not develop or transition, however remain consistent and enjoyable throughout. Strength built a touch but that is expected with a ring gauge around 50. I would definitely smoke again and recommend" -Adam B. (Bushboy)