"I am not a big fan of overly mild to mild-medium cigars. This one made me change my outlook. From the initial appearance and feel to the smoke throughout each third, this cigar was definitely one for everyone. Whether smoking in the morning with coffee, lunchtime with a soda or lemonade, or after dinner with some scotch or bourbon, this cigar will deliver a tremendous experience to enjoy. Grab these and just sit back and relax." -Steve (ThaGreatWazoo)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticutFeaturedGreggIPCPRMatt C.Matthew T.NaturalNicaraguaSandeepToroVilligerWes
·“If you are looking for a well constructed Connecticut shade cigar this might be it. This cigar reminded me of a lighter version of the Quesada 40th Corona Clasica. The fruit on the retrohale mixed in with the pepper and cinnamon on the palate and the sweetness in the back of the throat were all very enjoyable. I easily recommend this cigar if your palate yearns for flavors in the mild strength category with body and complexity that hold up and build throughout the whole experience.” –Matt C. (Big Matt)
"The first two thirds showed some promise, although a bit one dimensional. The creamy leather and oak combination was very enjoyable. The final third, however, was my samples unraveling. A harsh cedar and tight draw almost had me tossing this one. Based on other reviewers experiences, this might be a candidate for the golf course." -Gregg (McGreggor57)
AlanAllBlind Cigar ReviewsBrazilianBrazilian Mata FinaFeaturedIPCPRJeffNaturalRobertRyanStefanToroVilliger
·“I would want to give this one another chance. It had good flavors initially and at the end. I think a little rest might help the ease the bitterness at the end and if the draw was better, improve the overall enjoyment of the cigar.” –Alan (Eulogy)