2018 Marks the 50th Anniversary of Davidoff Cigars. Zino Davidoff opened up his flagship store in 1968 which over the last 50 years has grown into one of the largest cigar brands in the world. To celebrate this mile marker, Davidoff is re-releasing the Diademas Finas, which was first released in 2006 which would have been Zino Davidoff's 100th birthday. This limited edition comes in four vitolas, each with it's own porcelain jar. Each jar is numbered and has it's own humidification device. Each jar is it's own art designs, created by French artist Mariane Léger. These designs are also used in the new Davidoff 50th anniversary “Caves du Monde” humidors, exclusive lighters, Limited Edition ashtray, pipes and pipe tobacco.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDaniel S.DavidoffDianaDominican RepublicEladio DiazFeaturedHabanoHendrik KelnerIsaac M.John I.NaturalToroWes
·"Great smoke. Amazing construction which has definitely contributed to the experience. Deep rich leather and nuttiness on bold display here. It's a flavor profile that I enjoyed a lot although there wasn't a lot of transitional stuff going on. I'd be happy to smoke these by the truckload, and I'd nub them every time. " -John I. (John I.)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDavidoffDominican RepublicEladio DiazFeaturedHabanoIsaac M.John I.Matthew T.NaturalStefanToro
·"This cigar was a tasty bugger. The performance throughout the smoking experience, coupled with great flavors and combinations was just great. The sweetness mixed with other nuances really made me happy, and I will be looking forward to knowing what this is so I can buy some for myself. Well done! " -Matthew T. (A Huge Nerd)
"A very nice creation, I am pretty much nicotine impervious so I know that would be something most wont like about this stick and a select few will love about this stick. I loved the complexity and transitions. You can tell the manufactures wanted this Cigar to stand apart from every other cigar created. Thumbs up" -Ryan H. (Ryan H.)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDavid F.DavidoffDominican RepublicEladio DiazFeaturedHabanoJohn A.Mickey T.NaturalRyan H.SteveToro
·"This was a thoroughly enjoyable stick with its strong points being the first two thirds. Whoever blended this cigar meant to create something special with a very flavorful mix of tobaccos that pleased my pallete immensely. I can only hope the price point on this stick is reasonable so I can stock up!" -John A. (John A.)
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