"I found this cigar to be very intriguing. It’s a good-looking cigar and well constructed. For a medium-strength cigar it provided a consistent foundation of flavor while introducing variations throughout the entire smoke. The weaving of flavors, with the majority of them combining in the second third, really kept me interested and enjoying this stick. I would definitely revisit this cigar. Good looking and good tasting." -Diana (ArmyRN)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsChurchillCohibaDavid F.Dominican RepublicFeaturedIPCPRJhonys DiazJohn A.Mickey T.NaturalRyan H.Sumatra
·"This was a fairly straight forward smoke without many flavor frills. I found it a bit boring at times as most the flavors were basic and not very complex. It was definitely a reliable smoke with great construction, burn, and a slightly tighter draw than normal. Nothing inherently wrong, just a bit one note for me. " -John A. (Bostoneo)
May 1, 2017 -- General Cigar announced today that the company has appointed Sean Williams as a full-time brand ambassador for Cohiba. Williams is former owner of El Primer Mundo Cigar Company, a boutique collection of highly-rated cigars made in the Dominican Republic.
AllCAOCarlos ToranoCohibaDunhillFeaturedFoundryIPCPRJhonys DiazMacanudoNewsPartagas (DR)PunchRick Rodriguez
·General Cigar showed off new releases in all of its premium brands at this year's show. We will take you through each brand with videos, pictures, and descriptions.
Today, General Cigar launched a new cigar under the Cohiba brand: Weller by Cohiba. The cigar is meant to be paired with Weller Bourbon made by the Buffalo Trace distillery. The blend was made in partnership with Weller Bourbon and was made to compliment the wide array of hard-to-find Weller Bourbon.
"Overall, a decent cigar with very good flavors, body, and some decent complexity. I’d smoke this one if it is affordable as an everyday smoke, but not something I’d load up on boxes with. Definitely worth checking out though!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCohibaDominican RepublicFeaturedGreggJhonys DiazJohn I.Matthew T.NaturalOSARobustoSun GrownZane G.
·"My vocabulary of superlatives are inadequate to do this justice. Easily one of the best, and most memorable cigars I've ever had. Complex, and really nicely nuanced. It doesn't really progress through "changes" like a lot of cigars, instead there are all kinds of things happening, all the time." -John I. (John I.)
Press Release - Cohiba has always been synonymous with luxury smoking experiences. The brand’s latest collection, Cohiba Blue, takes this to an entirely different level by introducing the notion of inclusive luxury. The world’s finest tobaccos create the most enduring experiences. Cohiba Blue is indeed the cigar for all who desire to live the good life.
"This one was a bit one dimensional for my liking, although the flavors presented were solid and well balanced. The glimpses of coffee and chocolate were encouraging but never developed enough to add to the profile. A good cigar for the golf course." -Gregg (McGreggor57)