"This cigar is meant to be smoked. Allowing it to sit for long causes the flavors to dissipate. Keep it hot and it will deliver. And that is where the problem comes. You have to keep on this cigar to keep the flavors rolling. I think if I had kept on this cigar, puffing at much faster than my normal rate, not only would I have found more enjoyable flavors, it would have also significantly shortened its already fast smoking time. While I quite enjoyed the first third, the rest of this cigar just couldn't satisfy. " -Isaac M. (The Nothing)
"A truly enjoyable cigar from first light to the end. Flavors were on point and melded together to create a great experience. I'd easily give this a "great" and would definitely buy at least a fiver if not a box." -Kevin J. (maninblack77)
"It's a winner for me. I really enjoyed the shifts in profile, the quality of the smoke, and just how well it performed even with several areas that were damaged in transit. I'm thoroughly impressed with the experience and will be picking some of these up. " -Alan (Eulogy)
"If the cigar smoked as well as the last third did I would have loved this cigar, but the first two-thirds were kind of flat for me. I would have expected a longer smoke time cause of the size but I feel like this is a mix-filled cigar so it burned a little quicker than I would have liked. I would recommend this cigar to a newer cigar smoker cause it shows some small transitions and won't overwhelm them. " -Estevan Z. (TheRealBanzi)
AllAVOBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicFeaturedGreggHabanoHendrik KelnerJason H.John I.Matthew T.Natural
·"In terms of flavor, this would likely be a good introductory cigar for a novice. The flavor profile is light, accessible and pleasant. Creamy, floral and mild mannered with a bit of a kick toward the end. Anyone with an interest in experiencing cigars would likely be impressed. The construction problems would be a drawback for a newcomer however." -John I. (John I.)
Alan RubinAlec & BradleyAlec BradleyAlec RubinAllBlind Cigar ReviewsBradley RubinFeaturedHabanoHondurasRobusto
·"After initial inspection I wasn’t sure what to expect, however, this cigar smoked fantastically and produced delicious flavors. From pre-light draw to last puff, the cigar performed above expectations and had great smoke output. Not exactly my cup of tea as it was a little sweeter than I prefer, but I would gladly smoke another. Fantastic smoke if you have under an hour. Nub was the best part. Puff slowly and enjoy the end my friends." -Adam B. (Bushboi)
"A truly flavorful cigar that delivers. I want to buy a box as soon as I find out what this cigar was." -Barry (Barry2Guys)
"Really well crafted and lovingly made cigar that is probably the polar opposite of what appeals to my palate. Very crisp, bright and dry flavors. In the early portion there were some fairly negative points offering bitterness and astringency. Overall a fairly mild cigar that may appeal to devotees of a more classic Connecticut flavor profile. " -John I. (John I.)
AllAVOBelicosoBlind Cigar ReviewsDavidoffDominican RepublicFeaturedHendrik KelnerJohn A.John I.Mickey T.Ryan H.
·"This was a very flavorful, well executed, mild cigar. The constant reminder of sweetness paired with the various other notes made this cigar a pleasure to smoke. While it did not have many flavor descriptors, what it offered was a great experience that I would definitely revisit in the future when I am in the mood for something milder and elegant." -John A. (Bostoneo)
"This was a supremely flavored smoked with plenty of variations and flavor notes that gave me a very relaxing experience; I only wish it wasn’t so large! Definitely recommend giving this big guy a chance as you may fall in love, especially if there are smaller size options. Two thumbs up!!" -John A. (Bostoneo)