Just in time for the ProCigar festival, Quesada cigars has announced a new line, the Quesada 1974. 1974 was the first year Quesada started rolling cigars. The blend uses an Ecuadorian wrapper, Dominican binder, and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers.
For the past six years, Quesada Cigars has been distributing Regius Cigars, however at the end of next month, that...
For the first time ever a Fonseca will be made in Nicaragua. This summer at IPCPR the Quesada family will release the Fonseca Nicaragua, a Nicaraguan Puro made by the Plasencia Family in Esteli. Adding to the well-established Dominican Fonseca, the Fonseca Nicaragua is blended with tobaccos from Ometepe, Jalapa, and Esteli to capture the full complexity of flavors found in the country. Nearly equally as impressive as the cigars themselves is the price: MSRP will range from $4.99 to $5.95.
July 14th, 2016 Dalton, PA - Jordan Alexander III Premium Cigar Company (JA3 Cigars) officially announces the release of their newest line, Anthracite. This new line is expected to ship in late Summer, 2016. It comes as the second full production line by Jordan Alexander III Cigars, with a current portfolio housing the JA3 Corojo which is available in four vitolas.
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·"This is a solid cigar that increases in complexity throughout the smoke. The cigar is well balanced and there is a great balance of flavor and strength. Construction is excellent and the cigar itself smokes really well and allows you to smoke at a slower pace to enjoy subtle flavor changes. The first third started off a bit one dimensional; however, the final two thirds had some wonderful flavors and textures. The cigar truly shined in the second and final thirds where honey and caramel notes balance well with tobacco, cedar and oak flavors. I would happily smoke this cigar again and I would love to have it in a corona." -Dave (Cigar Jukebox)
After more than eight years with Quesada Cigars, Terence Reilly has turned in his resignation. Tomorrow, October 31st 2017, is his last day. Reilly was not only Quesada’s national sales manager, he is a member of the Quesada family and was instrumental in leading creative projects for Quesada Oktoberfest, Heisenberg, Domus Magnus and Fonseca Nicaragua.
“This was a good choice for a morning smoke. The profile had a consistent wood and earthiness to it while coffee, leather, char and toast worked together to provide a nice richness. The addition of some nutmeg at the end created a little spice on the nose.” -Gregg (McGreggor57)
The Quesada Family has announced the release of the Casa Magna Jalapa Claro, a Special Edition to their award winning Casa Magna brand. Made at the Plasencia factory in Nicaragua, the Jalapa Claro consists of the same award winning blend as their Casa Magna Colorado but uses a lighter Claro wrapper from Jalapa, creating a sweeter, more medium bodied full flavored blend. 500 boxes of three sizes of this Special Edition will be made and available only to attendees of the IPCPR show this July.
"This was a great cigar to smoke. It didn't have all the bells and whistles that others may have when looking at it, but boy did it do everything right. From the near perfect construction to the intriguing flavors that slowly build, this cigar felt like a well thought out project. I will be stocking up on a few of these for a later time." -Kent (Throck)
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·I enjoyed this cigar a lot. The final third did get a little harsh, but the first two were really unique and flavorful. The flavors all worked together really well and it was balanced really well the first two thirds. The burn and draw were not great, but adequate. I think some time in the humidor could do this cigar wonders. I would look for these again in a year or so, and I would definitely pick up more to age.