"This was a really nice smoking experience, and went for a little bit over two hours. This would be a nice smoke to have with a cocktail and a couple of friends." -Jeff (ExpendableYouth)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicEricFeaturedJose SeijasMatildeMexican San AndresSandeepStefanSteveToroWes
·"Wow. Once i got past the slow start, the cigar really opened up. Medium to full flavor and just a tremendous profile that balanced well off of each other. Nicely done. Grab these, let some sit, and watch them grow into something truly special." -Steve (ThaGreatWazoo)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsDominican RepublicFeaturedGreggHabanoIconic LeafJ.R. DominguezRobertSandeepToroWes
·"Nice transitions of background flavors made me forget there wasn't any real leader with this cigar. The profile was well balanced despite not having a wow factor. There was a silkiness in the smoke that made for a nice mouth feel and very enjoyable smoke. I would certainly pick up a few to keep on hand." -Gregg (McGreggor57)
"This was a cigar that was elegant to start and had some real flavor changes while maintaining a very unique and complex flavor. I enjoyed this thoroughly and it was a cigar that you could smoke in any circumstance, morning, noon or night." -Jack (Jack_H)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticut BroadleafDominican RepublicFeaturedJessicaKentMacanudoRobustoSandeepSteveWes
·"Overall, this cigar was very good with a great level of complexity and flavors. I think this cigar will further improve with age. I will definitely try this again." -Sandeep (Djangos)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCorojoCoronaEmmettFeaturedKyle GellisMax FernandezNicaraguaRobertRyanWarpedWes
·"This was about as close as I have come to smoking the perfect cigar. I mean, it's hard to call the flavors perfect because everyone has a different preference, but this one was right up my alley. It was medium strength, but full flavored. The draw, burn and construction were impeccable. This may be my favorite cigar I have reviewed. I am blown away." -Emmett (BMP_Emmett)
"Excellent cigar. Although not in my typical flavor wheelhouse, I appreciate a rich and powerful cigar. This will be great to smoke a couple of after a grilled fatty steak (like a bone in ribeye). This will probably also hold very well to whiskey, cutting some of the chili bite. I'd seek out a fiver." -Jiunn (jliu)
"A very good Claro, reminiscent of, yet a level above Fuente's 8-5-8 Candela." -Stefan (Stefan)
At this year’s IPCPR in New Orleans I ran into Michael of Whiff Out on the show floor and then at one of the cigar after parties. Michael talked about how amazing Whiff Out worked and said I should try it. A few weeks after the show I got in contact with him and he was kind enough to send me some samples to review and try out.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsConnecticut BroadleafDominican RepublicEmmettFeaturedGuillermo LeonIPCPRJiunnLa AuroraMaduroManuel InoaRobertRobustoWes
·"This was a very enjoyable cigar. It offered a unique flavor profile and quite a bit of transitions that kept things fresh. The fermented flavor was something I'm not sure I ever have tasted in a cigar before and definitely want to smoke more to see if I get the same thing. I'm excited to see what this is." -Emmett (BMP_Emmett)